Okay... I'm home alone at thee moment && I am jammeeng out to some paramore... 3nodding wicked band... and I can sound like Hayley... xd
Favorite songs so far; 1) Fences 2) Misery Business 3) Pressure 4) ... all thee other ones... lol...
I'm hungry... but I don't wanna eat... and I'm on a new diet: ICE CUBES!!! xp
*runs upstairs to get some ice cubes*
Today we're going to thee fair, yet again... but this time, we're gonna try and kidnap my cousin, whom I haven't seen in years, and take her with... she lives right by the fair grounds and I'm praying that her mom lets her go with... and that she's home... xd
We've been close friends ever since we were born... her parents divorced and afterwards, I only got to see her no more that once a year... around X-mas time... ever since a few years ago, she was adopted by her new dad and set on a restriction from her real dad... I no longer get to see her once a year... and it's been a few years now since I last saw her... I'm so excited and even if she can't go, I'm still hoping that I'll have a nice little reunion with my favorite cousin... she is younger than me but we always had a good time... 3nodding I miss my Kami... crying
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 06:52pm · 15 Comments |