Me and Lyss are bored... and she shall spend the night... we shall make signs and you shall put the ones for you on your profile... mrgreen
We never finished the signs, we will!!! Eventually... but we are tired, even though we just woke up!!!
I got all excited when I noticed we'd be back before 6... but now you're not here... you're eating... building up your stamina for that plastic music thingy... mrgreen good boy Jon...
I don't think I'll be eating for a while... sorry to let you down... it's just... when I think of the word food, I think of the action vomit... so, I hope you understand...
I feel sick... nauseated... it's hot outside... and the wind doesn't help... that's when I come to thank the person who invented the AC... such a great human bean...
Oh yeah... considering the fact that you didn't read this, and won't until Friday... you better have said happy b-day to her for me!!! I don't wanna have to find out that you didn't and make me call her to tell her happy BELATED b-day... -_-
LOL... I shall leave for good now...
Yeah... now it's like Friday and I didn't wanna make a new entry... but this guy that I commented to thank him for his purchase from my shop, well... he PMed me and was like: wanna be friends and do you have a bf???
stare how annoying... that's the kind of person that annoys me... badly... gosh!!! EVER THINK OF LOOKING AT MY ABOUT SECTION??? scream I am completely in love with someone who actually got to know me before asking me to be his... I think it's completely stupid to be a desperate moron like that... probably just asked me that 'cause I have an awesome avi... stupid retard... he needs to go eat a worm...
Aaaanyway... I'll have my phone with me at the fair so you can text me if you want... not a good idea to call though... unless you plan on me not answering... lol...
I'm gonna go now... remember... I'm cleaning my room...
I love ya!!! heart
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Jul 31, 2007 @ 11:48pm · 4 Comments |