well i talked to my grandmother about getting my hair straightened and guess wat? i can get it straightened! she said that she's paying and she said that she's going to pay on saturday... so dat i can get my hair straightened on that same day... isnt that cool? da day before the party... omg! the day before the party! goodness doing your hair before your grandmother's party, thats a bad sign.. if you guys dont understand, this is a very hard thing to understand.... well ill try to explain it. you know how they need to put something on your hair so after you get your hair cut, it smells like.. the barber shop thingy? well thats the problem. and another thing, it is very unexpected... and if it turns out the way i dont like it, then theres no chance to change it because 1. my grandmother already spent her money 2. if she cant change it, then that means that i have to stick with the hair i dislike.. but thats something that i cant stop... ahh well.. since they're not going to like... cut it and that the fact that RIGHT after you get your hair straightened, its like SOOOO straight.. than how its going to turn out after you have it for a while and you shower and sleep with it... so thats the good thing about doing your hair before the day of your great-grandmother's birthday.. why am i so overwelmed about my hair AND my great-grandmother's birthday? well its just that if theres my grandmother's mother there, then that means that my cousins are there too. and my cousins, when they see something new about me (such as my ipod, nintendo DS, a ring, or maybe uhh...) like my straightened hair, they would like play with it or fool around with it and that'll ruin my hair... ergh why couldnt i have american cousins...? cuz basically its hard to communicate with my korean cousins if you can barely speak korean.. crying whenever i ask my mom to help translate, she's always like, "think and youll know the answer". but the problem is, i always ask her about things i DONT know.... not something i need to think about to know... crying i really want to know a lot of korean... waaaaaaahhh