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The Physical State of My Humiliation
i have a big chance that i may get enough money to get my hair straightened before i go to my great-grandmother's birthday.. yups really nervous.. i really want to get my hair straightened because its only like, 50 dollars in american money (its in korean won which is the korean money for korea. and its 5 만원). cheap huh? but my mom is the one that needs to get the money. i need to do the rest. i go to the beauty shop and then after i get my hair straightened, i give the person money and then go home.. simple right? yea but after i get my hair straightened, i may need to be a little nervous around people because where i am right now, a lot of people know me and they always like... at least when they see me once its like "oh its her! ive seen her before" or some of them may be like "who is she?". and i havent had any real korean guy say that im at least pretty or at least kind and stuff.. not even my own guy friends.. sad huh? sadly its a thing where i just need to wait for that time to come.. its one of those you-need-to-be-patient moments... ever had those before? hahaha i have tons of times. i really wish that sometimes i can be at least pretty at least once in my life... then itll stay in my memories... The Moment When I Was Beautiful.. a nice memory but it wouldnt happen to me at all... for im the type of girl that may not have at least one bfs.. too sad to think about... crying sometimes i wish i was the type of girl most guys really wish to have... but no guy would fall for me... im not pretty, im not funny, and im not anything... im just a stupid girl that always get A's in typing classes because im always in the high speed typing list... ergh thats why people dislike me.. because they treat me like a typing freak or a robot.. dats really mean thats why i have only a few friends that ACTUALLY are my friends.... nobody that ditches me or anything... crying i feel like crying right now...

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