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The Physical State of My Humiliation
hiyas everyone.. im bored and i want to go somewhere... i have a little problem. you see since my brother is quite younger than me, my mom plays with him a little more.. without anyone on my side, i am really bored and its really tiresome when you do the same thing over and over again (example: using the computer, watch tv, listen to ipod (that i almost lost yesterday), use nintendo DS, read, write in journal (cyber and real), etc.). and so sometimes i really wish that i had a bf or a friend here because theres barely anything to do here except all the stuff that is electronic or something that i have already done.. and that isnt fun.. maybe we can go to the park today so dat i can go roller blading and watch korean 아줌마s (that means an old lady; grandma) dance yoga and saying 아싸! (a little saying when youre happy and stuff... i dunno! ask someone who's good at describing!). and you dont need to know how to pronouce it because its not important.. my point is that i want to do something such as like go shopping or go swimming or something.... i dont wanna just sit here and type my fingers off.... thats not fun and its painful as well... hehehehehe i wish that i can come out in tv and say "see mom? my brother cant do this! but IIIIII can"... hahahahaha and then make my brother jelous because he didnt come out on tv and i did.. and i want my youngest cousin to come out on tv 2... hahahaha well i want to stop typing and try to get more gold... bie bie~~

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