I'm afraid, of things, many things that have no meaning...
I feel betrayed, not cared for, helpless...
I hurt myself and still, no one cares...
I tell them and all they do is yell, they don't listen, just yell...
It makes me feel even worse, guilty, horrible...
I'm alone...
Time passes quickly, never knowing what will happen next...
What are we gonna do when nothing's left???
What would happen if I left, left forever, never coming back???
Would I die a painful death or a silent one???
Who would care???
Who would cry???
No one...
They're sharp like knives, people that sit beside me...
They cut through my heart like the slices of ham my mom cuts on Thanksgiving Day...
I don't know what to say or do...
I'm basically useless in this world, watching them fall away...
I've done nothing, nothing to help, and now they're gone...
They've parted the path and I took my own...
They took the easy one and I took the hard...
I'm still alone...
I walk down the silent path of darkness, not bothering to look back...
I keep going, knowing that I'll never go back, to all the lies and hurt the world has for me...
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat May 26, 2007 @ 03:44pm · 7 Comments |