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View User's Journal

poems by me
Everyone has a mask
An act that they put on
Concealing their true selves from the world
Some people become shy when really they love to talk
Some lie to get people to like them
Everyone wears one
Some people can decode the masks and get to know the real hidden person but that takes patience and no one has time for that anymore
Others grow up thinking someone is something when truly they are not
People lie saying there rich or someone died to get people to love them or feel sorry for them
Other become sky or nasty
So people wont talk to them
Some live in boxes, bubbles that conceal them from the world
The only way to stop this is if we all die and get reborn our world is too hateful to be our selves around strangers or even our friends
Only our family know the real us and sometimes not even they know the real you

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