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View User's Journal

poems by me
You hurt me once
I let it go
You said you were sorry
And that you wouldn’t do it again
And it hurt but it was only a bruise so I let it
You hurt me again
I asked why
You said you had gotten in a fight with your dad and some anger must have been left and that you were sorry
You started crying - I forgave you, I wasn’t bleeding
Now I have two bruises
You hurt me for the third time
I cried
You said that you were messed up and didn’t mean to make me bleed
I forgave you because I loved you
You hurt me 5more times
By this time you stopped saying sorry
I had a broken arm, billion bruises all over and some blood lost but I still forgave you I still keep coming back, you had just made me feel so special sometimes and its not like a little blood never killed anyone
One day you banged my head against the door
I screamed
My head was bleeding
My eye swollen
I past out
You ran
You hurt me a billion times and I thought you loved me and that I loved you
I had let you in forgiving and forgetting
The blood the bruises and now im unconscious
Now im to scared to let anyone in
To afraid to get hurt
I never say I love you
I never let anyone touch me
Im bruised on the outside
And broken within
Ill never be the
Same again all
Thanks to
crying heart crying heart crying

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