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poems by me
fill my house!
fill my lungs!
daddy drinks
cory smokes
i love them both even though the second
hand smoke will one day kill me, the constant drinking will hurt me. there eyes go red with hatered, their heart turns colder than ice! there constant use of alcohol and cigarettes just tears me apart inside. my love just aint enough anymore, they have to go out get wasted, get high just to feel in control, just to find them selves! cant they see i love them when their feet and mind are on the ground, where's the daddy i know and love gone? down the drain of alcohlism. where went cory, the kid ive known for 3years? he went down with smoke filled lungs from cigarettes. where will i go, the answer is easy, ill be falling hard from the abuse and miss treat, ill be hurt on the outside my inside will be torn, ill have cancer of the lungs just by breathing his smoke, bruises will cover me from the alcohol addiction. yet still they dont see that i still love them, even after they've got me in the hospital! i still care, im still trying to tell them that they need to stop because one day, the hospital wont be enough! ill die from the smoke, the constant abuse from the alcohol just wears me away! one day ull see what your doing to you're self is killing not just you but ME!

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