Okay... what sucks is... we have a wireless mouse and keyboard... if my parents don't want me getting on, they take the mouse and hide it... they did that last night... so this morning, I had to wait for my mom to get on the puter for a few and I kept rushing her to get off so I could get on... stare
But now I'm on... and sorta annoyed cause the puter's running slow... there's a reason it is too... I'm burning a CD for my mom... stare she HAD to do that now... not later, not last night, but right now... oh well... at least it's close to being done... it's on the 6th song out of 9... which is better than when it just started... 3nodding
Type more in a few...
I ish back... and Lyss is STILL sleeping... she's crazy... she sleeps so much in her life... it ain't funny... at least me and you don't sleep THAT much...
Alyssa just read that and she was punching me... stare
Ebil Lyss... -_- she's so funny... and cornflakes...
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat May 05, 2007 @ 03:34pm · 8 Comments |