Favorite... sweatdrop
I'm gonna kill you... *giggle*

OKAY... my dad changed my schedule... whee *does a dance* sweatdrop yeeeaaahhh... okay... so here it is:
1 hour whenever u can
? to be determined
I'm still sorta confused about the '1 hour whenever u can' thing... but I'm pretty sure it's a good thing... well... let's just say the whole thing confuses me... but I'll be on tomorrow... for sure... if I'm not, may I die and rot in a garbage can!!! *holds fist up in an attempt at world peace*
Nevermind that... I figured it out... my dad said I can get on whenever for one hour only... that's for the weekday thing... and the other thing is like I can probably get on whenever for longer than an hour (maybe)... that's what he said... just a few minutes ago... 3nodding it's all a good thing right???
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Apr 13, 2007 @ 11:10pm · 2 Comments |