Yeah... I guess a lot of people missed me while I was gone... everyone was like 'OH MY GOSH!!! SHE'S BACK!!! EEE!!!'
It was exciting but there's another thing... heh heh... Reggie is crazy... he's our choir director but he's really cool... I heard from my mom that he missed me a lot... I guess the Soprano section was weak while I was gone... mrgreen
But aaanyway... I heard that there's a new song we're singing soon... he had some picks for the solo but he told everyone that the person he really wanted to sing it was gone... eek me... he asked everyone if they ever heard me sing before... I was like OH NO!!! LOL...
So there's that... but then there's Tim... Tim is Reggie's brother... younger brother but still older than me... I forgot what age though... while I was gone, my mom had this conversation with him about how he looks like my uncle ((her brother)), only black... blah blah blah... she told me about that and today I went up to him and said these exact words: "I heard you look like my uncle..." he said yeah... and I go: "The funny thing about that is... it's true..." he was like REALLY!?!?!?!? Later on... after church... he came up to me and was like hi niece... LMAO... I laughed so hard... me and my mom mess with him by calling him Uncle Timothy now... hahahaha... funny... 'tis funny...
Yeah... fun... Jacki noticed me and my DARKER skin... I never said tan... it's just darker than it was... I'm still white... hee... I guess it was meant to be that way... lol...
I don't have school tomorrow either buddy!!! xp
What else??? Hmmm... well... I'm listening to Subseven right now... great band... blah ba dee blah...
Let's play tag... *punches computer and runs away* SORRY IF I HURT YOU!!!
Brittney Beloved TM · Mon Apr 09, 2007 @ 01:54am · 2 Comments |