Today was a great day... Lyss called me a cow so I started mooing... then she said I looked like a lighthouse... lol... but I wasn't spinning all the way around like a real lighthouse... so she said I was a broken lighthouse... xp we're crazy...
I'm gonna go eat chicken... and get a letter to write to... someone??? ninja yeah... sweatdrop *runs away waving arms*
Owie... I actually did that and ran into the fish tank... crying
Aaanyway... I'm listening to A7X right now... Betrayed to be exact... I love this song... *sings: I know after tonight... all your power crumbles in my arms...* xp AWESOME GUITAR SOLO!!! *falls on desk and listens* *sings: in my dreams it's me and you... it's there I saw it all come true...* phew... this song is long... I knew there was a reason that they're my favorite band... next to Green Day... almost over... little more... okay... now for a different song... BURN IT DOWN!!! *sings: now I can understand... it's sorrow that feeds your lies...* *blasts it* PARENTS AREN'T HOME!!! whee
So yeah... that was fun... *sings: jealousy is an ugly word but you don't seem to care... converse behind my back but now... need no one to comply with me through everyone that I defeat don't need you ******** comradarie this rage with never go away...* yeah... I'm done now... hee hee... I mean... I know the whole song but I'm done now... hee hee...
So yeah... my parents 'abused' me last night... I accidentally kicked my shoe across the living room and my dad said these exact words: "Your a** is mine..."
He then slapped me, I screamed, my mom came in and was like 'what's going on???', I told her that dad cussed at me, she was sorta taking my side but when I got in the truck with her, she started screaming at me... stare it was all because my parents were already fighting and I asked them to shut up while I was eating... blah blah blah...
eek LMAO!!! BRITNEY SPEARS... I have no life...
Now Green Day... mrgreen
Yeah... *cough*
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 10:30pm · 4 Comments |