Okay... my foot hurts... I'm sick, again!!! Last night I had a headache and a reminder that my grandpa died and I started crying... yes, I went to a funeral and that's how that happened... I'm deathly afraid of funerals... ask my mom... then I went to church right after that... my mom bought me BK, that fattening food that I ate anyway because I was starving, and such... my headache was uber painful and the fact that it had to be overly loud at church didn't help much... stare
I woke up with a stuffy nose that felt really funny and annoying at times... ummm... my eyes hurt, not any more but they did earlier... I feel a lot better now though, except for the sore throat and I sound like I have a stuffy nose, but I don't... makes no sense, unless you understand me...
Today was a half-day, meaning we got out at 11:30 AM... I'm "doing homework" right now... I have to write a paper... a comparison paper to be exact... I actually did well, considering it's a really stupid topic... I think I was partially born to write stuff... lol... of course, stuff that I understand... wow... I just e-mailed my teacher... lol... I have an 'F' in Social Studies and I think I know how I got it... I lost my study guide at the last minute and couldn't turn it in... and I totally blew the test...
Yesterday when we got back from House of Kobe, we all smelled like meat... it was totaly awesome... the guy cooked the food right in front of us and flipped his knives and all that jazz... it was SO COOL!!! 4laugh
Hmmm... other than that... I was in pain yesterday... I think it was partially from the sauce stuff because it tasted horrible and the essence kinda messed with my head...
Today was fun in Music because he brought us food... it kinda pissed me off though because he brought doughnuts and I didn't get one... the people who didn't get a doughnut, got oatmeal cream pies and the people got doughnuts ALSO got the pies... it made me so mad!!! But me and Cortney talked the whole time... speaking of which, that was hilarious... because a high schooler that looked just like you came in our class... I pulled out your picture and I was like eek exactly the same only lighter hair and there was a bigger curl at the front... his arms were scrawny like yours... mrgreen and I told Cortney that I should call you and ask you what the heck you were doing at our school... she agrees with me that he looked just like you... it made me wish you were actually there... crying
*takes a break and types more of her homework paper*
Wow... I'm good... domokun xp I mean... at writing...
Me and Cortney not only talked about your twin... lol... but we were talking about you and her b/f... I told her something that I might not tell you until you plan on coming out here... it's nothing bad, trust me... just me being a chicken... and Cortney's advice that she gave me makes some sort of sense... 3nodding oh yeah... she's sorry for calling you that one day... lol... she didn't say that... I'm just apologizing for her... she called out of boredum...
I miss you so much... I wish I had a car... and could drive... lol...
Cortney says she's jealous of me because you're all I talk about when I talk to her... heh heh... I was telling her how much I like you and one of the things I said was the fact that I talk about you all the time... Lyss could say the same thing... hahahaha... and Lauren... Cort's b/f is a retard and he's really mean to me... I told her that if she continues to date him, she must A) keep him away from me... or B) make him be nicer to me... I'd rather choose A... but both would be fine...
I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! YOU HAVE TO TELL ME STUFF!!! LMAO!!! THAT MADE NO SENSE AND WHY THE HECK AM I TYPING IN ALL CAPS!!!??? You have to tell me what you've been up to and how you've been doing when I call... I don't know when to call... make sure you tell me if I should call your mom's cell phone when you don't answer the home phone... kk??? KK...
HOLY CRAP!!! I just now noticed how much I typed and that I really need to take another break and type my paper... sweatdrop love you... I can't wait to talk to you again... if I don't, I think I might explode... crying
Love You!!! heart
Hee Hee... sorry... I'm back... I finished the paper in like 10 minutes, not even... sorry about the uber long journal entry... sweatdrop love you, again... 4laugh byes...
Wait... before I goes... I want to ask you something... HOW MANY SIBLINGS DO YOU HAVE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You need to send me a picture of your family... lol... I'll go now... byes, again... mrgreen
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Mar 08, 2007 @ 06:46pm · 4 Comments |