Okay... last night was awful... I dropped my stupid iPod in the toilet... stare laugh laugh... now the freakin' play button is messed up...
This morning... it's like below 0... kk??? WAY BELOW 0... and of all days to be like 10 minutes late... my freakin' bus driver made us stand out there and freeze our butts off... my toes were in so much pain while they were thawing out... crying I almost started crying... and I knew I shouldn't because gah!!! THEY'D TURN TO ICE CUBES!!! gonk
This kid, who is ginormous ((not kidding)), sits next to me in Language... assigned seats... and he calls me emo... OMFG... I'm not emo... I dress like a prep for crying out loud!!! scream I asked him how the hell I am emo and how is there any sign of being emo on me... want me to go emo fat kid??? Well... how about this??? I'll go emo on your fat a**...
Other than that... I'm kind of ready to send your letter... just need an extra stamp and I can give Lyss the lope...
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Feb 07, 2007 @ 11:09pm · 4 Comments |