I got another letter from Jon Jon in the mail... eee... whee
I didn't even know you sent it... I was telling Lyss about how your next thingy was gonna be in a box I think and she threw your letter at me... I can't put your pics down... 4laugh she borrowed the letter part and the comic... she wants to use it to draw something... oh yeah... she said me, you and her would be the perfect manga team... I'll talk about that later... lol...
Considering the fact that she loves her b/f and she loves the pic I drew a while ago... she drew a pic of her and her b/f... she's gonna draw me one and I'm gonna add the color... moo cha cha... xp
I feel so awesome today... my leg feels like air but that's okay... rofl
By the way... I love that comic... so awesome... and true... HAHAHAHA... oh yeah... the reason Lyss borrowed part of your letter is because she's gonna make a comic about your letter... lol... it's gonna be hilarious... I thought of most of it with her... lmao... you're gonna love it... especially about the scheldule... HAHAHA... I thought of that... hee hee...
Well... I finished my cool pen drawing... and I am very proud... and sad that it's in the envelope waiting to be comfyfied with all the other paper... I shant tell you what else is going in there... xp "CORNHOLIO"
What happened??? Where was you today??? I miss yooou!!! crying
I guess it's pay back for when I was always gone... I guess I deserve it... I love you though... oh yeah... thanks for the extra envelope and stamp... again... 4laugh it's a big help...
I'm gonna go in about 10 minutes... but I love you more than anything... tee... heart cheesey... oh well... it's true... ^-^ LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU YOU YOU!!! Sorry... just having a tad bit of fun with the truth...
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Jan 31, 2007 @ 11:37pm · 2 Comments |