I really don't see how you think I wright better than you... I just don't... oh well... I guess I'll never know... xp
Mmmm... that was tastey... I just ate my dinner... cheese, turkey and lettuce sandwich, along with Doritos and a cup of milk... hee hee... good Doritos... domokun
*munch, munch*
Tomorrow I get to eat poptarts for lunch... whoopee!!! stare Dylan wants me and Lyss to go with him tomorrow and watch him play piano... so he said he'd bring Strawberry Milkshake poptarts... considering the fact that he doesn't like that kind...
Lyss is so evil... she pokes me all the time now, watching me suffer... I twitch a lot when she pokes me... and afterwards, I still feel the stupid finger that looks like a sausage of hers <--- o-O?
Then her and Dylan laugh at me because I scream and twitch for like 5 minutes... stare I SHALL SEEK MY REVENGE!!! scream
Let's see... hmmm... how about... wait... er... nevermind...
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Jan 18, 2007 @ 10:46pm · 10 Comments |