twisted + rofl = *laughing maniacally*
-_-' I'm such a moron...
2:30 PM and it will begin... crap... oh well... I hope I'm with either Jacki or Lauren... if not... domokun scream
Just typing random stuff if you were wondering... mrgreen
And if I AM with Jacki... she better let me use her phone cause I'm being REALLY nice to her!!! xp I AM THOUGH!!! Also, all she does is text people... so I deserve a chance to talk to somone too... crying oh yeah... if you want... you can call her too... I mean... you didn't throw her number away did you???
I really do hope I'm with her... I could TRY to use Lauren's cell but I'm still afraid... and I know you wanna be a part of the Lake County scavanger hunt... you're not here in person so you just talk over the phone...
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 03:46pm · 17 Comments |