u kno lately ive got a few things on my mind. i was thinking about it last night cauz i couldnt get to sleep so i stayed awake lying in bed thinking what should i do about work experience. i totally havent started looking for a job and the teacher ithink she suggested that we should find one b4 this year. god im useless. like i dont know what im going to do. i feel lost. anyway i was thinking that i should revise over the hols cauz honestly everyone seems to remember something from classes but i come to school with an empty head sweatdrop . there are soo many things ivegot to do but i havent a clue how to start. its just that i go into this routine where i go on the computer, watch tele, eat, play playstation and sometimes an attempt to actually finish off something from my to do list which i usually never complete. how did i get into this mess? gonk
sassy_starry · Sun Dec 31, 2006 @ 02:19am · 1 Comments |