omgomgomg!!!finished english, geography and chinese! the english and geography went alright but i still feel like i failed... crying as for chinese... well what can i expect? i dont expect to fail of course xd but ill probably lose a mark for the wrong character or something...
Yeah, Maths and French were the big ones for me. And they just had to be on the same day crying
isidar_mithram Community Member
Fri Nov 16, 2007 @ 10:02pm
Yeah, I'm fully expecting to lose marks in chinese. I don't know what for, but I will.
Same for english. I'll probably lose marks for coherency or something. Is that a criteria? I know I always lose one for that in lit..
Maths I definently lost marks in. Enough said.
Six exams over!! Only lit left. I should study..but right now, I'm waiting for mum and dad to leave so I can play FFXII...(it's in their room)
sassy_starry Community Member
Sat Nov 17, 2007 @ 06:02am
lol you should be studying! thank god im over and done with all 7 exams!!! im only confident on my chinese and science exam. the rest i know i didnt do so well...
isidar_mithram Community Member
Wed Nov 21, 2007 @ 06:23am
Well, we're getting them back tomorrow, so good luck for that!