its probably best if you don't read this as it will most likely gross you out.
its the holidays! arghh... today.. was the worst. our dog had.. his poop stuck to his..butt. me and my sis had to unfortunately get rid of it. we had to wear gloves and stuff, cauz seriously, it was disgusting. i won't go into descriptive details, as it will make me cringe just the thought of it. but it wasn't pleasant. there were soooo many flies that were hanging around which made the job harder, and the fact that we didn't want to breath cauz it stank soo bad. i felt bad, cauz our dog was kinda in pain when we tried to get it off, as it was stuck to his fur. my sis and i are going to hav to wash him, or else he'll stink up the whole area. sweatdrop redface
anyway, i think when we get back to school, i have something important to tell my friends. ninja well yeah, other than today's horrible experience, this holiday so far has still pretty much suck. stare
sassy_starry · Thu Dec 13, 2007 @ 09:34am · 5 Comments |