yeah..well exam results. already knew wasn't going to be the best, but knowing i wouldn't fail... except.. well they're were many subjects that weren't too maths for example. i knew i stuffed some questions cauz i blanked out so i kind of panicked. english not too great either.. probably because i didn't actually manage to finish the sentence as well as all those common mistakes, because i ran out of time. i can't write fast, i only type fast. studio art also.. i can't believe i managed 49/50 last time but this time it was reduced drastically. period style bugged me alot because i thought she meant as it what type of art as in impressionism or cubism... but it was 20 century sculpture, the answer i put down originally. one reason why i don't like to proof read cauz i tend to get the answer correct before i change it... geography.. i really couldnt care about. science was the a subject i was kind of proud of. i mean, i did pretty well on psychology, but chemistry didn't go down to well. the average of the two test ended up as 74 or something which is kinda sad. emo chinese obviously was going to be my best exam of them all, but i lost like two marks... because it wasn't sophisticated enough in my essay and in the reading i had to say only and lanlan or whatever only watched tv on a specific channel..
well that's the end of my really disappointing result for my exam. thank god its not vce yet..i will do better. i have to or else i'll crumple up in a heap in a cornerh and die a tragic death... scream
sassy_starry · Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 08:10am · 1 Comments |