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sassy_starry's Journal
Merry Xmas!
merry xmas!todays christmas!woot smile i cant help but bring this up. yesterday i went to crown casino with a family friend. the kids would go off and see a movie while the adults are elsewhere blaugh anyway we went to watch flushed away which i think is rated g. the ppl who sell the tickets said u need parent to go with u. im like wat?! what kind of rubbish is that? if we are watching a g rated movie and im like 15 so i can actually watch ma15+ movies, why cant i watch a g rated film with some kids? they not exactly that young. i mean is 8,11,14+15 yr old that young? so anyway we managed to get the tickets without an adult so we went to buy snacks. then the girl at the counter said how old r u? and we're like..ehh.. and so shes like im sorry but i cant allow u to watch the movie without a parent.damn! scream so we tried calling our parents and it took a while. anyway wat kind of rules is that? one time me and my friend watched a movie in northland and we didnt hav a parent. i mean come on it was a g movie!!! gonk gonk

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Tue Dec 26, 2006 @ 01:02am

    What sort of idotic thing is that?

    The 8 year old you were with (Rebecca??) should be allowed to watch a g without a parent! And I remember it as being you're allowed to watch if there's someone with you over 15?? Although, since you were at Crown, they're probably a bit stricter. Maybe they didn't want little eight year olds int he cinema without a supervising parent.

    We're allowed to watch movies alone - everything except R, and who wants to watch them???

    What eventually happened?

    Community Member

    Tue Dec 26, 2006 @ 11:53am

    lol i know. well..what happened next was kinda of funny. cauz seeing as we were busted we called our mums' but they wouldnt answer.then my sis remembered our mum had our dads mobile so we called. then our mum came running to the rescue(literally) so we could go in. all we wanted was ice cream and so we went into the cinema. so when it was a few minutes into the movie my mum left. hehe sweatdrop what a waste gonk god i think crowns should really get things straight. if its a g movie and if they dont trust us, cant they watch us enter the stupid cinema???

    User Comments: [2]
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