merry xmas!todays christmas!woot smile i cant help but bring this up. yesterday i went to crown casino with a family friend. the kids would go off and see a movie while the adults are elsewhere blaugh anyway we went to watch flushed away which i think is rated g. the ppl who sell the tickets said u need parent to go with u. im like wat?! what kind of rubbish is that? if we are watching a g rated movie and im like 15 so i can actually watch ma15+ movies, why cant i watch a g rated film with some kids? they not exactly that young. i mean is 8,11,14+15 yr old that young? so anyway we managed to get the tickets without an adult so we went to buy snacks. then the girl at the counter said how old r u? and we're like..ehh.. and so shes like im sorry but i cant allow u to watch the movie without a parent.damn! scream so we tried calling our parents and it took a while. anyway wat kind of rules is that? one time me and my friend watched a movie in northland and we didnt hav a parent. i mean come on it was a g movie!!! gonk gonk
sassy_starry · Mon Dec 25, 2006 @ 07:35am · 2 Comments |