what should i get from shanghai? my dad is going overseas and said that he would buy something but what should i ask him to buy? he's going tomorrow...
lol u and ur photoshop^.^ except it would probably be in chinese or something...
isidar_mithram Community Member
Mon Dec 25, 2006 @ 06:51am
Heh. that'd be funny. It's Nicola, right? I'll see what I can do for you and Photoshop. If you're lucky. If I'm feeling in a very very very generous mood. A bribe might do it~! xd
Ask him for a gong. Go on, you know you want one! Ask for the thing I was..trying to explain to you? The recorder like instrument? Please?
CynicalChick Community Member
Tue Dec 26, 2006 @ 06:56am
What sort of bribe?
isidar_mithram Community Member
Sat Dec 30, 2006 @ 01:02pm
oh, I don't know..what's your best offer? xd How desperately do you want it, and what would you give me for it? blaugh