hehe>.< i got a mp4!my dad went to shanghai to visit his parents. i didnt kno what to ask him for so he said what about an mp4? so yeah now i got one. unfortunately the stupid manual book was in chinese crying so i'll kinda hav to figure out most of it myself. anyway, just yesterday when i tried to but music on but it wouldnt work. so i finally figured out how to put music on. i played a few of the songs and they worked. then i tried to play this other song and then my mp4 totally stuffed up! seeing as it was quite new and all i was kinda freaked out that id already stuffed it up. i figured that it was still on but the screen wouldnt work so i decided to leave it for the whole night so the batteries would be used up.didnt work. i tried looking for the reset button but couldnt find it. what i thought was the reset button was the microphone sweatdrop so i asked my dad where on earth was the reset button.the answer was u had to push a few buttons for a while and it would reset. stare anyway im happy that it works! i wish i could download games onto it though. the ones on it arent that great.. oh and isi, i didnt ask my dad about the instrument cauz i rarely talked to him on the phone cauz my sis hogged the phone 3nodding
sassy_starry · Sun Jan 07, 2007 @ 12:46am · 1 Comments |