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Rose's Poetry
In The Break Of Tears
In the break of day

I see his face so bright

Gleaming in the light

Staring deep into my eyes

His deep blue eyes

Holding back the tears

Reaching out for my hand

So light within the wind

Taking what he can

Searching for what he lost

Though it's gone in time

Still he searches

praying for more to see

Than a blazing heart

His strong broad shoulders

Stiffening with every tear

His grief and despair holding on

Trying to be set free as though it was a dream

A hopeless dream in flaring course

So soft and tender as it was before

Now so lost and tampered as the fire

His soft sweet smile cursed with his mind

Forsaking what he wants and needs

But one glimpse of his only love

Forever profound in his heart

Swearing he will never love another

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