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Rose's Poetry
This light in which i defy
has taken what i lost
this love is what i lost
him for darkened thoughts
and me for bright heaven's gaze

still such light i gone
and night presumed the cost
sudden hate and pressured lies
soon scurried across the skies
no bird nor flock hast taken what i lost

but every motion
every tide
has lost a memory
in which i cannot have

so forth the stride across the seas
in which waves seek that need
a wanting need to be free
from one that ceased to be
but cursed with its retched waves

a scornful height in which i have not found
but it shatters on the frightening ground
proceed if you must my favored sea
my joy so pressured across such lands
that one cannot cease to bleed

their tame is everlasting
their pride so broken as the earth
its fame so scattered in the seas
but reprehending as the night
so consumed within all light

To Be Continued...

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