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Rose's Poetry
All Alone
I walk alone in this empty world

With nothing to hold on to

And nothing holding my back

I only with I never left

I know I can't go back

Since nobody would be waiting

In this night crazed and a blur

Starry skies moon shining high

My thoughts in peril

Hoping to find a friend

Who will love me for me

Still holding onto my heart

I walk all alone

In this cold and empty world

Has got me tied up

I just can't seem to get away

All I want is to be left alone

Someone untie these binds

My hands are hurting

I have nowhere to go

It's just too painful too see

Just the thought of you

has got me tied up

these tears keep falling

falling from my eyes

it hurts to breathe

even to think of you

it hurts me to know your here

knowing your dying

all alone in your bed

you see my face

crying next to your grave

god has taken you from my life

he's taken everything I stand for

my heart is gone

lost in a storm

my emotions bringing me down

all this time I thought he cared

but I was wrong

you tried to tell me

but I just ignored the obvious

and lost the thing I love

all because I didn't believe

believe in him I did not

I just threw him away

losing all my faith

it's cost me my pride

it's time to realize what I see

knowing of the consequences

you were there all along

within the light

but darkness over came my thoughts

thinking you were gone before my eyes

you got taken from the light

and now I have nothing

nothing to live for

in this cold and empty world

you vanished from my soul

all I have is your memories

in my head forever

knowing the pain you've felt

yet you held back the tears

and were being strong for me

all these years I had no idea

of the pain I caused you

of the poison in your veins

it took all your happiness

still holding on for me

because I had no idea

what was going on around me

I was too late when I found out

I wish I knew so I could prevent this disaster

this tragedy so horrifying

I can't bare the thought

of myself in your arms again

nor holding onto your heart

no I cannot

i know I must let go

but it's so hard you should know

seen as you held on for me

until it was time to let go

I regret the times I put you aside

letting my wants control my fears

I'm sorry for what I have caused you

if only I could bring you back to me

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