Okay... I hate school... as we all do... 3nodding but that's not the point... I REALLY hate school... I mean the teachers are cool and all... and Lyss is there... but I still hate it for some reason... and also... I'm afraid to start High School... sweatdrop
About that though... I was thinking... if I switched schools... that'd be awesome... I mean... the other one's a private school but I know everyone there... my awesome cousin wants to go back there and if my friends that moved to Arizona come visit for a while, that means I could just spend the night at their house, considering they live in the church when they're here...
Lyss says she might consider going to private school... that one... my church... blah blah blah... it was a surprise to me... rofl
It's not that bad... the uniforms are okay... nothing to elaborate... I can still look cute... 4laugh
ONE HUGE ADVANTAGE: IT'S EASIER!!! I mean... not easier but easy enough that I understand it... I used to help my cousin on her homework when she went there... 3nodding
Blah Blah Blah <--- me... stare
Brittney Beloved TM · Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 11:27pm · 6 Comments |