biggrin Me: Okay, today we are gong to the Sword/Archery/Gun Battle Land w/Llamas! dramallama mrgreen x_Yuriko_x: Ohhhwhwhwhwhhwh! I cant wait to get to llama battle arena! twisted benpj: Hee hee bwa hahahaha! confused ashorty24: Yea... ummmmm... well WHAT THE QUICKEST WAY TO KILL A LLAMA?!! I CANT WAIT EITHER! mrgreen Me: Well ...from personal expierence... I would say the SLOWEST IS THE MOST PAINFUL AND FUN WAY TO KILL LLAMAS! wink benpj: aww.... I can picture dead llamas right now!
 twisted Me: I can picture a llama too!<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">I will kill them all.... whats with the duck !?! Uhhhh.. never mind. twisted Me: Well, the slowest way is to saw their hooves off with a hand saw, slit their throats, then cut their heads off! Its so much fun! Now, we'll be going to the Sword/Archery/Gun Battle land w/ Llamas! mrgreen ashorty24: I CANT WAIT! NOW! WE GOTTA LEAVE NOW! ~20 minutes later at the arena~ WELCOME TO THE SWORD ARCHERY GUN
BATTLE LAND W/ LLAMAS! twisted Me: Ha ha! To the Gun Arena! wink benpj: ha ha! SWORDS! xp x_Yukiro_x: Hey! Im going to the Archery with ashorty! mrgreen ashorty24: Yup! ARCHERY, ARCHERY! ~5 hours later (time to go)~ biggrin All: Holy crap we all made the #1 Hall of Fame list ?!? biggrin x_yukiro_x: Hey waffle how many ya kill? mrgreen Me: umm......84 billion! eek All: WHAT!?! HOW MANY!?! mrgreen Me: 84 Billion!! surprised benpj: I loved hearing the llama wailing and suffering! Ha look at his hooves! eek ashorty24: Ya actually saved those?!? rolleyes benpj: Hell yea!
waffleface+pancakes · Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 10:00pm · 8 Comments |