sad Me: Damn.... surprised Idril_Nenharma: huh? whee Mr.Ice112: Oh, not this again! confused XehanortXAK: Oh, great! stare Idril_Neharma: WHAT!!? eek Mr.Ice112: Well all ya had to do is ask! mad Idril_Nenharma: grrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... xp F'rum: Waffle lost his board game callededed ZATHURA again... he says theres sumtin koool abouts it! eek Idril_Nenharma: WHAT GAME!!!!!? neutral Me: Zathura..... why? sad Idril_Nenharma: I remember it like it was yesterday when ya activate it, it- biggrin F'rum: Founds it! Better hit start! eek Idril_Nenharma: NO! F'RUM DONT!!! confused F'rum: To lates whyzz? eek the door............. confused Me: Okkaayyy... what ever I'll do it!
 eek Me: WHOA! WHAT THE- eek Mr.Ice112: RUN! THERES FREAKIN METEORS HITTIN THE FLOOR! whee XehanortXAK: AHHHH!!!!! A DRAGON!! twisted Me: SPACE LLAMAS! MUST DIE! pirate dramallama Space Llama: Neeee haawwwwwwww! twisted Me: MUST DIE! (BAZOOKA SHOTS, HAND SAW GOES WILD) pirate dramallama Space Llama: neeee- mrgreen Me: He dead!!! mrgreen All: Well, that solves one of our problems! sad Idril_Nenharma: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ there's gonna be a killer robot comin into the crash pad......... soon........ eek All: WHAT! cool XehanortXAK: Everyone do something to solve the conflicts! I'll slaughter the dragon! wink Mr.Ice112: uhhhh... I'll find a way to end the meteor! surprised Idril_Nenharma: Waffle, F'rum, and I will prepare for the killer robot fight, when ya guys get done HELP US! Got it??!!!! neutral Me: How do we exactly kill the robot?!! sad Idril_Nenharma: Its to................................ confused Me: Idril ya survived before how ya beat it!?! sad Idril_Nenharma: Ya have to......... splash water on him, BUT when ya kill it everyone is in a risk of the bright lights putting them into a coma! neutral All: Huh? eek Idril_Nenharma: Don't stop fighting! mrgreen XehanortXAK: Haa Yaaawwww! (hard sound hit ground) all right! Dragons dead! sad Mr.Ice112: The party spot fell off into space, but the good news is the- (LARGE crash through glass window) domokun Killer Robot: Bwa ha ha ha ha! twisted All: (Gunfire, Shots) whee Idril_Nenharma: OW! xp F'rum: TAKES THAT STUPZIDHEAD! domokun Killer Robot: NO! Water! ahhhh- (falls, bright lights fog the entire room) ~10 minutes later~ neutral Me: oowhwhwhwh... my head neutral Mr.Ice112: Hey weres F'rum I just found Idril and Xehanort ?!? eek Me: HUH! F'RUM GET OFF THE FLOOR! ~3 days later~ wahmbulance Doctor: It seems F'rum is in a coma he will be this way for 2 weeks, BUT hE IS NOT DEAD! cry Idril_Nenharma: He'll be fine Tokm had the same incident... sad All: Poor F'rum neutral Me: In 2 Weeks I guess, See ya F'rum! ninja ~too be continued~ ninja
waffleface+pancakes · Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 12:45am · 6 Comments |