twisted Me: Look at that llama it has no skin and it has cancer! twisted Nekothekitty: Horay! neutral Harvest_moon_lvr: Drop another one will ya? razz frubalover: OK!
 twisted Me: Only how many more and ALMOST very llama but the relocated ones will be dead? biggrin Nekothekitty: ONly......................6 more!!! twisted Me: My dream is coming true!!! eek All: AH!! Wtf a bazooka shot is gonna hit the plane! AHHH! ~10 Minutes Later~ whee frubalover: oh my head! HEY no it cant be true we were only 6 Atom bobs away, only 6............... cry eek Lolo: AH! Were is Harvest moon?? eek All:......................... BEANERS!!!!!
 xp F'rum: dodoododooddooo!! domokun Mexican Army: Chose either Luny Tune or Harvest Moon!!! cry Luny Tune: They me.... rofl Harvest_moon_lvr: Hahaha! They had respect fur me!! ninja Mysteryman: HIYA! *kicks mexican in the face* Take that *Goes away* neutral Nekothekitty: That was wierd......... confused frubalover: yea....oh well at least there safe now- domokun Mexican Army: Like oyr new plane?? *Huge hand picks up Harvest Moon*
 scream Harvest_moon_lvr: HEY! Dont worry ill come back! crying Luny Tune: I was violated and emotionally scarred..... rofl F'rum: HA HA!!!! crying Luny Tune: WAHHHH!!!! neutral Lolo: OK lets get to the crash pad! ninja ~to be continued~ ninja
waffleface+pancakes · Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 11:45pm · 15 Comments |