eek All: WTF!! surprised Me: *Swerves plane to the side* WHOA!!!!!! mad F'rum: Robo-Llamast! I HizATE ROBOTtzzzzS! *Mind fills with repressed Zathura memories* AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *Takes out water Bazooka* hee ahahhahaha! twisted Lolo: Go for it buddie!!! xp F'rum: * Shoots large water balls every were* domokun dramallama Robo-Llama: NAA HEW! scream F'rum: DIE Robozt! * Shoots mindlessly and hits robo-llama 90 times* eek Me: WOW! Way ta go f'rum! Yea!!! ~Back in Mexico~ whee glizzard: RUNN! eek XehanortXAK: We forgot Luny Tune he's still on a pole! neutral glizzaed: U do realize no one cares right? xd XehanortXAK: OH YEA! mrgreen Kairi Hinata: RUN FASTER!!!!!!!!!!! ~Over the Pacific~ cool F'rum: Take this *Shoots robo-llama* domokun dramallama Robo-Llama: Naw hEWW- *Falls in to the Pacific, HUGE SPLASH* eek Lolo: OK Theres mexico! I see glizzard, XehanortXAK, and Kairi Hinata!! surprised Me: I will use the planes hand to grab em all! eek Kairi Hinata: WTF!! Is that the new plane *HUGE hand stretches and grabs them all ((exept Luny Tune))* surprised glizzard: NIce steal there guys! This rulz oh and Luny Tune is still tied up to a pole and being know what with the Mexican Army!!! neutral Lolo: Hes what! OH well not our problem! mrgreen F'rum: Yup! 3nodding Me: OK i have an arsenal of these SPECIAL atom bombs at the crash pad yup 1,000,000 we will drop every single one exept for the indonesian island we will torture those llamas!!! The SPECIAL means it ONLY kills llamas!! twisted XehanortXAK: SWEET! ~3 Days later after stocking the SPECIAL atom bombs~ twisted Me: Drop the First one! rofl Lolo: OK!! *Launches onto the ground*
 ~10 minutes later~ xd Me: The next one! twisted Kairi Hinata: Got it covered!
 ninja ~To be continued~ ninja
waffleface+pancakes · Tue Jan 16, 2007 @ 09:10pm · 16 Comments |