gonk Seiji Tezuka: AHHH!!! eek Faeriekirara: NOOO!!! scream Ic3_X_KHx: NOOO!! ~STORY THUS FAR.......~ WAFFLE, F'RUM, AND LOLO AND ARE THREE GUEST STARRS ((listed above)) ARE FALLING DOWN A PLACE CALLED THE TOOOOM OF THE ANCIENTS AND IT IS A HUGE FALL THATS WHY THEY HAPPEN TO BE SCREAMING! xd Me: *Reaches hand up and catches Something* YES!!*Quickly grabs everyone elses arms* mad Lolo: Why are we here? HURRY AND PULL US UP TO THAT HOLE IN THE WALL UR HANGIN ON! scream ME: DONT PUSH IT LOLO! mad Lolo: psh psh hmmmm........ xd ME: *pulls everyone too safety on the huge hole* Look its a hallway too? smile Lolo: Ummmm you never said why we were here!?! smile Faeriekirara: This is were the Mexican Army HeadQuarters is so...... mrgreen Ic3_X_KHx: HArvest moons some where in here! confused Seiji Tezuka: Ummmm yea wat they said! mad Me: Do we HAVE to rescue her? I know lets kill some llamas instead! *Whips out gun* eek F'rum: WTF!?! Thi izntz the timz! whee Me: grrrr.... domokun dramallama Mutated Ancient Llama: NEAEAEAEEAEAEAEA!
 neutral Ic3_X_KHx: Dosent that just figure? twisted Me: *shots the llama 900 times* YAY! neutral Seiji Tezuka: Once again waffle u've killed a llama KOOOL! rofl Me: HAHAHA hes bleeding take that dam llama! HAHHAHAHHAA domokun Mexican: MY LLAMA! NOO!!! rofl Me: HAHAHHAHAHAHA LLAMAS SUCK MANN! cry Mexican: WAHHH! ninja Mysteryman: HIIYAHH! *kicks Mexican in the face, yet again, runs away* domokun Mexican: IVe disgraced the country of  domokun Mexican #2: If u ever wanna see Harvest Moon again follow me* He runs* mad Lolo: DAM BEANER! *Chases* neutral Faeriekirara: WAIT UP! 4laugh Ic3_X_KHx: HEY! WAIT! ninja ~To be continued~ ninja
waffleface+pancakes · Tue Jan 30, 2007 @ 02:47pm · 8 Comments |