I'm sorry to say but this is officially my very last Journal Entry so im sorry to all my fans BUT if i get at least 20 Comments from different people who actually care and read this regularly i WILL keep posting entries but this will be my last entry otherwise u have until this Friday and the day today is Sunday so GO!! ____________________________________________________________________ dramallama All 50 of the llamas and Al Pacas still alive: Nee....- *they fall dead* heart Me: Its over its all over every llama has been killed and all of the al pacas! rofl F'rum: SO its finallyz done der der der!?! razz Lolo: I think so.......wat to do now guys? mrgreen Me: The FUNKY MONKEY!!!!! ~Back at the crash pad~ wahmbulance Me: DO the Funky Monkey! WOO! *dances so good everyone stops in shock* eek Lolo: Were'd ya learn those kool moves mann!?! cool Me: Lets just say all of the exercise from killing and torturing all the llamas to extinction paid off and now some 4 year old wont get his carmel apple stolen from him! mrgreen All: Hooray the world is better off without them!! eek Goose Mann: Hey i just saw ur dancing skills those are AMAZING we'd love to see you at the DDR COntest next week! cool Me: Ill think about it...is there Guitar Hero too!?! domokun Goose Mann: YUP!!! xd Me: Ill be there
 __________________________________________________________________ SO if this continues i will have a new Goal to Dominate the Guitar and Dance World! THANKS THE GOOD LORD THAT ALL THE LLAMAS ARE FINALLY GONE! heart THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT!!
waffleface+pancakes · Sun Feb 18, 2007 @ 08:56pm · 21 Comments |