biggrin frubalover: Wow! confused Luckybleu: Huh? Whats that fruba? neutral higumblossom: Yea.. what is it!? 3nodding frubalover: Its my oh so famous "Frubableugumblosom"! exclaim biggrin Luckybleu: ? confused Well... what can i do with it? xd frubalover: Well...ya can wear it in your hair!
 heart higumblossom: ohwhwwh! I want one! neutral Luckybleu: Is that all I can do? blaugh frubalover: No! Its bubble gum to! Tastes delicious!
 mrgreen Luckybleu: OK OK! How can I get one? smile frubalover: Well... call 765726756764736763765767465767436! gonk higumblossom: WAIT! how much?? wink frubalover: Only 1000 Gold! mrgreen higumblossom: Thats it?!? Wow! sO I GUESS........ cool All: So get your very own Frubableugumblossom today! YEAH! mrgreen
waffleface+pancakes · Thu Dec 21, 2006 @ 07:46pm · 5 Comments |