I am 14 years old as of 4:34 this morning... mrgreen
Funny thing is... I set my clock last night for that exact time and I woke up one minute before it went off... I shut if off, went to the bathroom and went back to sleep... I confuse myself... rofl
My friend Alyssa made a sign that said 'Happy Birthday Bri-chan' in Al Bhed... she put it on my locker and put a bow above it... my friend Cortney wrote a little letter and taped it on it... Alyssa also opened my locker and put a picture of a rooster... she thought I was born in the year of the rooster... NOPE!!! MONKEY!!! scream sweatdrop
I had to leave school today too... got sick... stare it figures... on my freakin' b-day!!! I feel fine now...
I opened the letter from Jonathan... it was so cute!!! AND FUNNY!!! I love it so much that I'm gonna frame it and put it on my wall... 4laugh AHAHAHAHAHA...
Brittney Beloved TM · Thu Dec 14, 2006 @ 07:51pm · 1 Comments |