OMG... 5 more days and I turn 14!!! 4laugh
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And I get to open the letter from Jonathan!!! OH YEAH!!! HAHAHAHAHA...
Anyway... I'm just really bored... just woke up a little while ago... sweatdrop mrgreen
I slept great... stare lol...
*runs around in a circle with arms out to the side* whee!!! I'm a bird-eee-fly!!!
Don't ask...
Anyway... yesterday at school was crazy... I made a mistake and instead of putting a lock on a locker... I put my lock inside Alyssa's locker and told Moss when we got back to our classroom... she yelled at me and made me walk all the way back to the High School... with Lyss and Onion... GAH... I felt so stupid...
Then... when we were waiting outside for the buses... I was freezing my butt off!!! And our bus had to pick yesterday of all days to be late!!! gonk
It's funny when I'm cold though... the first thing that turns red is my nose... it makes me look like Rudolph... 4laugh
Brittney Beloved TM · Sat Dec 09, 2006 @ 03:40pm · 7 Comments |