- Broken Heart - ((CONTINUED)) |
Chapter 3 Sitting there, watching the cars go by, waiting to hear the sounds of sirens, thinking about everything that happened in just that little bit of time. I couldn’t believe I’d never see them again. My parents weren’t the greatest parents but I thought that maybe I could change them. Maybe I could get them to notice me. I wanted to be loved. I noticed that time was flying by. There weren’t signs of any sirens. I started to get concerned. I went outside and looked up and down the street, thinking that they would just appear. I sat on the concrete step and gently set my chin in my hand. I closed my eyes for what, to me, seemed like only two minutes. I finally opened my eyes. There was apolice car sitting in front of my house but no one was inside it. I thought about the car sitting there. I had heard no noises in the few minutes of closed eyes. I got up, a little bit of fear sitting in the far corner of my heart. I looked around and noticed the front door had been opened. I know I shut that door. I thought to myself while pushing the door open. I looked around and found the TV on, just as it was when I left the house. Only one thing wrong here, there wasn’t anyone watching it. I opened every door on that level of the house, checking in every closet and under every blanket. I then came to my parents’ room where I knew they were still laying. I slowly opened the door, noticing it had been unlocked. When I looked inside, everything was the same. Everything looked untouched. As I turned to leave, I heard what sounded like crying and it wasn’t just any crying, it was the crying of my little brother. The noise sounded as if it were right next to me. I looked down. “Oh no!” I screamed as I turned to leave their room. I ran as quickly as I could to the stairs that led to the basement. I didn’t want to go down there but I knew I had to. Not only did I have to but my heart had to. It was telling me to go down. I had no choice. I started to slowly walk down the stairs, trying not to make too much noise. Yes, each step creaked a little, but it was quiet enough to be unnoticeable. I finally made it down to the beginning of the basement. It was dark but there were some traces of light from the little windows along the tops of the walls. I looked around and then I started walking forward. Step by step, I heard voices, step by step, they weren’t from people but from my head, step by step, they told me I was almost there and that’s when I stopped. I looked ahead of me. The light in the computer room changed from bright to dim every second or so. I slowly tip-toed up to the door and looked inside. There, in the little room, I saw a man sitting at the computer desk. He looked as if he was sleeping, but I knew he wasn’t. He was waiting for me. I looked around the room and saw my brother sitting in the corner by the desk. I noticed his whining was drowned out with a cloth. When I saw him, I almost started crying but I knew not to make any noise. I decided to go inside the room. I quietly placed my foot forward and gracefully made my way across the room. When I got to Michael, I reached into my back pocket to see if I had anything sharp. To my amazement, when I pulled my hand out, there was a pocket knife in it. I started sawing the rope. While sawing, I was thinking about what would happen if the man woke up. All of a sudden, I felt a hand grab my hair and I felt the sharp and cold blade of a knife about to slit open my throat. I gasped for breath and remembered I had a pocket knife in my hand. I was afraid to do it but I did it anyway. I jabbed the knife into his right thigh. I heard a cry of pain and then pulled it back out of his leg. The man fell to the ground, staring at me and holding the wound. I looked at him and the looked at my brother. “Oh forget it!” I yelled and instead of sawing through the rope, I grabbed my brother and ran. I peered over my shoulder and saw the man attempting to stand, wincing from the pain. I turned my head and quickly looked down. I almost tripped over the first step. I made sure I knew where I was going and smiled with confidence. I got up into the kitchen and thought of what to do next. I walked into the living room and set my brother down on the couch. I untied the rope and took the cloth out of his mouth, putting my finger at his mouth to make sure he didn’t say anything. I grabbed his hand. “Michael, please don’t be afraid. I’ll keep you safe. Now stay here. If anyone comes in here, scream as loud as possible. I’ll come running, I promise.” I told him. I then got up and walked back to the stairs. I walked down the stairs as fast as I could. When I got to the bottom, I felt something hit me in my leg. Not only did it hit me in my leg, it hit me in my right thigh. I looked down and noticed I had been shot. I looked up once more to find my eye sight fading and before it faded completely, I saw the man walking over to me with the knife in his hands.
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Nov 24, 2006 @ 10:45pm · 4 Comments |