Okay... hai everybody... just wanted to say hai... *waves*
I'm really bored... but I'm not THAT bored cause I'm talking to Jonathan... he's funny... rofl I'm also talking to my big brother Ken... or K-Swizzle... mrgreen
They're awesome... 3nodding
Well... Jonathan left so Ken's here... but now I have to go soon... don't ask... stare
Anyway... you guys... if you read this... please at least look at my -Broken Heart- story... if Jonathan said it was good... than it must be good... and my friend Alyssa read some of it... she said it was good too...
I am sooo bored... I wish my school had stuff like what Jonathan's school had... it sounds like fun... to even just watch...
Today was a boring school day... just the same ol' same ol'... no Alyssa this time though... I wonder where she was... sad
Well... I better be off... and Jonathan... this is for you... I promise to write more of that story and post it real soon... 3nodding you know what would be so cool??? Getting it published when it's completely finished... but I'm not even thinking about that... AHAHAHAHA... well... ttyl...
Bai Bai...
heart you all!!!
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Nov 21, 2006 @ 10:34pm · 15 Comments |