Okay... I wanna say this one thing before I tell you what happened... if I ever die... I love you all... and I'm not playing around either... I mean... one day... you may come on here and I might not have been on for over three months... in that time I could've gotten severely injured or killed... here's my story...
Today was a really crazy day... last night... I stayed at my friend Lauren's house... after that... her mom took us to the church the next day... me, Lauren and some other people were gonna go pass out fliers... we did and it went by very quickly... we got back to the church and after a while my mom came and picked me and Jacki ((my cousin))... from there ((Gary, Indiana))... we went to Jacki's house... which is about 30 to 45 minutes away from there... when we got there... we played some games and watched TV... after a few hours of that... we left to go to my house... by the way... she's here with me now... anyway... on our way back... while we were on the highway... we almost got hit by a car... I was sitting in the back of the truck with Jacki and my little brother... I was in the middle... I looked out the back window and it's really dark... all of a sudden... I saw a red car come out of nowhere ((behind us)) and hit the car that was next to us... and when I say next to us... I mean like three feet away from us... I screamed, put my seat belt on and cried the whole way home... I did see the car slide over to the left shoulder and hit the wall... and practically blew up... I do feel sorry for whoever was involved in that... but I am so thankful to God that it wasn't me and my family...
I just wanna let you all know that I love you... and if I never see you... I still love you... I don't know all of you in real life... and I hope to meet you someday... but you all are the best... I can talk to you and you can talk to me...
None of you know how I feel right now... I'm alive and happy... yet I'm still in shock about what happened... before this day... I always had dreams of either being hurt or killed... I even remember hearing all the crashes of the cars in my dreams... but I didn't know I'd hear them at the age of 13... you don't know how grateful to God I am... I could've died... my cousin could've died... all of us in that truck could've died... but he was watching over us... and I am so thankful for it...
*sigh* well... thank you for reading this... I know most of you might not believe in God... and you probably don't really know what I believe in... but please... keep me and my family in your prayers...
Also... if you talk to me... try and cheer me up... I think I'll be scarred for life from what happened and I can't stop thinking about it... now I'm actually afraid of driving... crying it keeps replaying in my mind... I hate it... and I hope it never happens again... or at least while I'm around...
I gotta go... getting a little tired... I hope I don't have any horrid dreams... goodnight and tty...
Brittney Beloved TM · Sun Oct 01, 2006 @ 04:14am · 1 Comments |