I was just interviewed a couple days ago to be in the newspaper!!! It was sooo cool!!! She asked me so many different questions... I was like... woah!!!
Anyway... I am so happy now because my parents had a big mood swing type thingy and they un-grounded me... I am happy to be back on the computer after about two weeks... 4laugh
Hmmm... what's new with me??? I'm still single... school is okay ((which is awesome because my P.E. class is WAY better than last year))... ummm... I have made a lot of new dreams ((stuff I wanna do in the future)) that you can ask me about later... that's about it... hmmm...
Well then... I'll write more later... MAYBE tonight I'll write more... if not... TOTALLY TOMORROW!!! 4laugh
Brittney Beloved TM · Fri Sep 22, 2006 @ 10:38pm · 2 Comments |