Puchiko!!! ^-^ For this drawing... I looked off of a DVD and made it bigger...

MeeK!!! ^-^ For this drawing... I looked off of a DVD and made it bigger...

A random person I drew... ^-^ This one... I drew while my mom was playing We Love Katamari... a random person I made up...

Dejiko!!! ^-^ I was watching Digi Charat and I paused it and drew what was on the TV... it was actually quite complicated...

I promise I'll draw more soon... I did all this cause I've had nothing to do for the past few days... it was hard but fun... and I didn't know I could draw like that... I plan to go to school for anime drawing... I wanna be a pro!!! 4laugh
Yotsuba!!! I drew this one by looking off of the Yotsuba 3 manga book... it only took one morning of non-stop drawing... quite fun actually...
Brittney Beloved TM · Tue Jul 25, 2006 @ 07:26pm · 4 Comments |