NAME: Darius Fitzroy
AGE: Twenty-three
TITLE: The Broken Prince
CREATURE: Wolf Monster
USERNAME: XxFate_of_the_AkatsukixX

"A monster, a monster...I've turned into a monster...a monster, a monster...and it keeps getting stronger!"
Darius Fitzroy
The Broken Prince
______________T H E B A S I C S
NICKNAME: Darius, Silver Tongue
AGE: Twenty-three
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 6'2" and 182 lbs
RACE: Wolf Monster
POSITION: Royal Prince
⊱ Manipulative
⊱ A good battle
⊱ Sweets
⊱ His brothers, to some degree
⊱ Himself
⊱ Loneliness
⊱ Madness
⊱ Lack of power
⊱ Feeling weakened
⊱ Underestimated
______________D I G D E E P E R
STRANGENESS AND CHARM: Egoistical and aloof, he doesn't possess many admirable traits yet, manages to remain morbidly alluring in the way he speaks and moves. His mind has been slowly chipped away due to self punishment, the shame is too great. He is handsome in a tragic sort of way, which draws people to him.
In the past: He was a joker. A jester. A good laugh in silent moments, he enjoyed pranks and smiles. His family was his home and he loved making them laugh and be merry in family moments. Even if it was something small, he always got one of his brothers to laugh, even his father at some points.
Now: Due to his beastly transition he has a distinct...dominating streak, there is nothing that pleased him more than taking control of someone else. He loved pinning others down underneath his thumb, and if they squirm, he only loved it more. The process of breaking someone down, slowly, bit by bit, fascinates him. Possessive, and obviously, possesses a one-tract mind. It's hard to get him off something once he is set on his ways, and there is virtually nothing that can stop him from getting what he wants. He is generally cold, selfish, and poker-faced. Nothing seems to hold his interest, and it's rare he will idle irrelevant past times that don't somehow contribute to him reaching goals he set for life. Such goals like obtaining the throne, he found a new interest in taking the leading role after watching his father do it for so long, as well as reading text about leadership. He has competition though, his other siblings. Darius also is very eloquent in the way he speaks. Manipulative and astute on how he gets around with only his words. That is how he received the nickname Silver Tongue. His sass to others is quite overwhelming as he does find amusement in making others feel lower.
MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY: Darius was the fun younger brother, one who smiled all the time and enjoyed every moment with his older brothers. He was a good kid and always lived by his parents word to be good. He liked pranks and like to make jest in the home to get people to laugh. His youthful days were full of fun and free spirit. When he reached young adult hood he had matured into a good man, still with a few tricks up his sleeve from time to time to show off his childish side. He was very close to his mother, spending a lot of time with her in his youth and reading all the books she collected just like some of his brothers. He loved his family dearly and would of never expected the happiness to crumble at his feet.
The day his parents fell ill he kept at his mothers and fathers side during the days he was allowed to be with them as well as his brothers. Time kept going slowly, painfully. Darius tried to make the illness go away for his mother with everything he could, he never wanted her to get sick, she was his best friend and mother to him and his brothers. Darius watched all his brothers grieve as the clock ticked on and on. Until the night their parents left the world, it broke his heart, he was struck with such heartache when it registered in his mind that his loving parents were gone, especially his mother. His brothers reacted similar, grieving in their own way. That sadness engulfed him, consuming his once happy-smiling-self to bloom a darker person within him.
Darius's temper was on its brink all the time, his smiles never returned, his happy features and jokes silenced. He was no longer the same man he grew to be, with all his positive morals his mother set for him. The guidance his parents provided him to be a great man was cut off. His soul was corrupt with sadness and hate. He blamed himself and his brothers for not trying harder to save their parents. Though what happened could not be helped, it was a fact of life.
Reveling in his sadness he continued to move on, though observing his other brothers were just as gloomy. Darius was the one who volunteered to open the door that fateful night, shutting the old woman out. He wasn't sure why he volunteered at all but he did anyway and saw the old hag with a scoff he sent her away because payment was not sufficient. He just made the worst decision of his entire life. The beautiful enchantress appeared, with blinding heavenly light and all her glory. He stepped back from the doorway as she cursed them for they had no heart to save their souls from the curse.
Darius felt his body contort, pop, shift, and painfully grow. His voice erupted from his vocals as he howled in pain as his body morphed and shifted into a hideous beast. His brothers all the same, cursed to become a hellish creature. Even the staff was cursed to become animal like creatures and suffer just as they did. Darius changed into a large wolf-like beast. Staring at his hands and body he felt anger boil in his body, with a roar he raced up the stairs to his room and slammed the door shut, taking out the objects around him. In a fit of anger he smashed, broke, and destroyed his own room, leaving his bed untouched but sprinkled with wood and rubble. Feeling his madness grow he knew he could never come back from this, no woman would love a monster like him.
Today he ventures out of his room a few times for food and air, he does not speak with his brothers much, he was still blaming them, even to this day. He did blame himself though, for the curse, he was already in a mood that night and the story goes on. Though in his lack of kindness he still cares about his brothers and will protect them if the situation was serious.
RAISE YOUR WEAPON: He takes pride in a dagger. It was a sentimental gift he promised he would use in dire times when needed in his youthful days. Now he uses it as a playful threat to anyone who wishes to mess with him.
POWERS/WEAKNESSES: Telekinetic with any object, but it can't be used much for that takes way too much energy out of him. He can use forms of light magic he read in old texts. Enhanced speed in his beast form, as well as strength. His human looking self is more of the magic user and telekinetic. He can die, his healing is slightly increased than a normal humans with the help of his healing spells but it still is difficult to heal large wounds.
DRIFT AWAY: Imagine Dragons - Monster
ONE MORE THING: Within that cold broken heart of his, is that childish man he was before his parents passed away. The fun loving soul who brought smiles and laughter to his brothers. Someone just has to help him find his old self again.
His face and body has been marred by his own claws, when he is changed back he will have scars on his face and body. He uses light magic to hide them in an illusion so no one knows of his pain.
USERNAME: XxFate_of_the_AkatsukixX