Main skill: Archival Specialist -
Despite humble understanding of engineering or programming, Elliott was instrumental in developing the archival systems internal processes. Initially plans had centered on understanding species other than human, but Elliott was adamant that the archive should not be a tool to increase the knowledge of a single race, and instead should facilitate joint sharing of information. On a less altruistic note, Elliott also wanted free reign to collect information on humans. If there was any one species that perplexed him more than the others, the human species was it.
Alignment: IGF
Hobbies & interests: He is an imaginative being, he is often seen watching the stars of the galaxy drift on his break, it calms his chaotic mind that's always going, going, going. Elliot also enjoys tinkering with different machines, small ones. Then he also likes to sit down with a good book and relax and sip a drink of his choosing. He is careful of over doing it though, sometimes he just wants to enjoy the chaos in his mind a while and that's when heavy drinking occurs and he feels it the next day.
He was not a privileged boy growing up even though he makes it seem like his parents were some diplomats of some planet when he talks. Unfortunately that is a lie. He grew up on a tiny plot of land with his prideful father and sick mother.
Despite his parent’s best efforts to ensure that he was the epitome of military bearing, it became quickly apparent that Elliot was not well suited for the structure and violence associated with the battle field. Elliot's abilities were weak in training, he felt like the bad egg most of the time. His admiration for text and scripture was far superior to combat and piloting a ship. With the death of his mother he did his best to abide by his fathers hope for his only son to be the pride of the Avis and pilot a ship but it was to no avail. Elliot's lack of skill to face combat of the enemy demoted him to what he was best at, sitting behind a computer and sucking in information like a sponge to help the war effort that way than be an easy life lost in battle. He was close to the IGF with his vast information he kept and thus sent on a ship to dig more information. His natural curiosity and lack of self-preservation instincts were a risk to those he served with, and a potential benefit to the enemy.
Elliot was reassigned to an alliance intelligence unit after a particularly unfortunate run-in with a Dracaris who had little appreciation for being questioned so intensely by an Avis. Elliot was left with a broken arm after that encounter. But his reassignment was a blessing in disguise. His first position was as a personnel records clerk. It wasn’t exactly the intellectually stimulating environment he has hoped for, but his natural organizational and data keeping abilities quickly caught the attention of his superiors.
After excelling in records, he was reassigned to the alliance’s interstellar counter intelligence unit. It was the type of position that max was built for. There was an endless amount of information at his disposal, and generally everyone he worked with was of an acceptable intelligence level. Despite multiple offers for promotion, Elliot never allowed himself to technically be placed in a management position. even if he did have the access and responsibility associated with management, he refused to take a position that would force him to prioritize politics over his endless search for answers…all of them.
Elliot was finally recruited by the initiative to help design the IGF archives and travel on the ships once again as he learned how to control his curiosity. Therefore he was no longer a threat to the mission.
Elliot is all eccentricity with no tact. His passion for his work manifests in a slightly manic demeanor from time to time, and his desire to increase the archives effectiveness often makes him blind to the impact he has on others. His social capacity could be described as “fantastical”. He is not shy to strangers and is rather blunt and honest when socializing. When he is taking a break from working is where one can really see how much his work drives him. He isn't a saint, he has demons as much as a wounded warrior. His facade is good, he can play a part very well. When one gets close enough to see his other side they would get a glimpse into a whole different Elliot. It does come out if he drinks....
His enthusiasm is often mistaken for aggressiveness, but his intentions are almost always to make something better. He is not one for overt expressions of affection, and is even worse at receiving them. Although not especially concerned with the initiative as a collective whole, he does have a deep sense of loyalty and dedication to those he works and lives with. Unfortunately, his pride and lack of faith in mutual affections forces him to wear another facade of intellectually driven indifference.
Little unknown fact, Elliot was born with monochromacy, also known as absolute color-blindness. his disability has had no significant impact on his ability to do his job, and perhaps just a small impact on the vastness of his wardrobe choices(Yet he makes up for it with always having the nicest looking clothes on, more on the dapper side as well). To make up for his disability, Elliot often wears a monocular visor over his right eye. The visor allows him remote access to the archive’s data, and is often a welcome distraction when stuck in a boring briefing or mind-numbing conversation.
[color=#b99ac9][size=11][b]Character Name[/b][/color]
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[spoiler][size=11]Blurb about plot info with characters[/spoiler]
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[color=#b99ac9][size=11][b]Character Name[/b][/color]
:tab::tab: [color=#b99ac9][size=10][b]LIKE/DISLIKE/NEUTRAL (change to current status)[/b][/color]
[spoiler][size=11]Blurb about plot info with characters[/spoiler]
(Add this for however many times you need to for each relationship)

Age: Thirty-four
Race Human
Skills (must fall in with racial abilities): A strong fighter, given any weapon he prides himself with a pistol or medium ranged weapon. Specific training has set him to the course of battle ready. Quick minded and gifted with the power of endurance to back up his abilities to strike heavy blows at an enemy.
Role applying for: Conduit
Roleplay samples link
Brief Character history: Jonathan grew up in the Eos System at the capitol Ariadne with his mother, father and sister. His upbringing was a forced structure. His father a diplomat of the IGF and his mother a head medical supervisor on Ariadne. He had big shoes to fill as well as his younger sister. Enlisting into training to be a foot soldier to the IGF company with his sister right at his side he became a well known face. His skills were top marks as expected of a Harlock, his sister was a few steps behind but had her mothers spirit in medicine taking that route while Jonathan was at the front lines.
Jon was given the option to be a captain but he declined unknowingly of his abilities as a conduit years later. Remaining in the military was the perfect choice for him, he was a skilled man for battle and was able to visit his dear sister in the medical wing when he wished on their many missions into space.
Time flew by as the missions grew more difficult with the Entity now in their galaxy. Jon was fearless when it came to surprise attacks on their ship, he was always ready for action. Only once he was caught off guard, once, he was twenty years old, his sister was nineteen. He had been visiting her in the medical bay of the ship, Then a loud explosion was heard and the ship leaned harshly left as if tipping over. Jon protected his sister from debris then felt the ship move again in a fast one hundred and eighty degree angle sending them to opposite ends of the ship. Jon was trapped by some heavy machines on his right leg, his sister an arms length away from him unconscious.
That moment was the moment he felt his body change, his eyes glowed bright as he felt his soul bind with the ships mechanics in a push and pull feeling. He took hold of the new strength with a gasp as the transfer was foreign and took the breath out of him. Every fiber, wire, metal, software was his to control. In minor control of the ship he tried to fight it to keep his focus on his sibling who was injured. With a shift of the ship his sister slid to his free arm. He reached to his sister who was injured and held her to him as he tried to find away to free his leg that was trapped while trying to wake his sister in his arms. In a blink of an eye Jon looked up just as a deafening sound cause the ship to groan, he saw a bright light and was launched into debris. Regaining his barrings his vision focused to see his sister lift by the gravitational pull of the damaged hull. His sister slipped from his grip and was sucked into space from the gaping hole of the ship near the fire. His conduit abilities sparked with his rage and upset as he watched his sister disappear from his gaze. He took hold of the ship and fired everything it had on the enemy and used all his energy to send the ship to the closest planet to recuperate and contact the IGF for aid. He was a hero that day at the expense of his beloved sister. With his new abilities he lost the ship he took control of for that moment to get everyone to safety then lost connection to the ship once they were retrieved those who survived and he had to speak with the IGF about his conduit abilities. He now is assigned to a new ship with more training under his belt for being a conduit yet to be bonded with a captain.

Age: Twenty-six
Race Avis
Skills (must fall in with racial abilities): Elliott's abilities were weak in training, he felt like the bad egg most of the time. His admiration for text and scripture was far superior to combat and piloting a ship. He was close to the IGF with his vast information he kept and thus sent on a ship to dig more information. Despite humble understanding of engineering or programming, Elliott was instrumental in developing the archival systems internal processes. Initially plans had centered on understanding species other than human, but Elliott was adamant that the archive should not be a tool to increase the knowledge of a single race, and instead should facilitate joint sharing of information. On a less altruistic note, Elliott also wanted free reign to collect information on humans. If there was any one species that perplexed him more than the others, the human species was it.
Role applying for: Mirage: Crew member - Archival Specialist
Roleplay samples link
Brief Character history: He was not a privileged boy growing up even though he makes it seem like his parents were some diplomats of some planet when he talks. Unfortunately that is a lie. He grew up on a tiny plot of land with his prideful father and sick mother.
Despite his parent’s best efforts to ensure that he was the epitome of military bearing, it became quickly apparent that Elliott was not well suited for the structure and violence associated with the battle field. His natural curiosity and lack of self-preservation instincts were a risk to those he served with, and a potential benefit to the enemy.
With the death of his mother he did his best to abide by his fathers hope for his only son to be the pride of the Avis and pilot a ship but it was to no avail. Elliott's lack of skill to face combat of the enemy demoted him to what he was best at, sitting behind a computer and sucking in information like a sponge to help the war effort that way than be an easy life lost in battle