xxxxxxxxxxxxxH E A L T H☠ ███████████ 100%
I m m o r t a lLLN o s f e r a t u
T h eLLH i d d e nLLI n f o r m a n t
T h eLLH i d d e nLLI n f o r m a n t
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"Zamiel...what ever are you doing? Come back here" said a sweet voice as he was running through a forest. Chasing something. Turning to look behind him he saw her, in all her heavenly beauty. Eve. He let a smile break his calm features for a moment as he the disappeared then reappeared next to her. "For you." he spoke as he was handing her a calla lily. It had a single lip, and was so solitary compared to the carnations. Her face beamed with joy, he smiled in return as she took it and held his hand after. "Its beautiful. Oh Zamiel, thank you. But must there be a reason to run off?" she asked as he held her close to him, "Just so I had time to pick you the most beautiful one of them all, so I had to hurry m'love. I apologize if I worried you" his voice was gentle and kind, for no one could ruin this moment for him. She smiled and said he had done fine and there was no need for apologies.Then his dream jumped to a new scene where he was at her bed side as she was sick. His nightmare unfolded again, haunting him forever. All because he felt guilty for not saving her.
Stroking her hair gently he sat there holding her hand with his other free hand. Humming her lullabies she use to sing to him when they would rest. It calmed them both. She reached up to touch his face and then all was black.
Nightfall. A time where the nightlife wakes up to torment the day walkers dreams. It is after all the over coming darkness that sweeps up the innocents from their perfect lives to create the living Hell night walkers bask in. Darkness is always unnerving to many and strikes fear when it sees fit. On nights like these a certain beast wakes from the dark depths of his chambers in a gloomy residence in the middle of no where off a main cobblestone path about two to three miles away surrounded by forest. Claudius Erebus Belmont is that man. A child of the night, never to see the light of day for eternity. Cursed to dwell in the shadows and haunt the dreary pathways about his land. Reclusive in his nature he does take walks about his land and toward the nearby towns to spy on how the flourishing world around him changes day by day. Well "day" for him is night.
Waking from his deep slumber at the strike of sundown. His eyes were still closed and his white hands were clasped on his chest. Looking as if he were but a mere corpse, there was the slight rise and fall of his chest, showing that he was in fact alive. A moment later he opened his eyes so that they were half-mast, what little gaze he allowed himself masked by his lashes. Grimacing at the feeling of waking up he breathed sharply. He pushed himself up into a sitting position from his bed silently. Feeling his bones pop and shift as he moved from his stone like state he blew out a puff of breath as he then relaxed and shook his head lightly. Time to get up.
His crimson hues burned brightly as he looked about his dimly lit room that had charcoal black curtains at every window, blocking the sunlight from ever touching his home's interior, as well as himself. Claudius rose to his feet and put on his old robe he had owned for centuries and walked about his home, sleepily.
Upon reaching his main foyer of his estate he rested at one of the side entrances to one of the lounge rooms. He lived alone, not one for company really, servants haven't been something he wanted in a long time. The last fledgling he had went mental so he had to end their life. Poor judgment on his part. Claude was finally comfortable on the old couch he fancied a few centuries ago, its been with him ever since. It had an old age smell he just adored. Looking at his wine glass then the thermos like contraption next to the glass he sighed. Another day of no hunting. Pouring the contents in the thermos to the glass he hummed to himself a little tune he recently heard. Not sure what it was from but he did enjoy the sound of instruments. Unaware of his small twitches to his body and the sudden ravenous hunger that developed at the sight of red he noticed it finally as he lifted his glass. His hunger clawed at his insides, making his world go into a haze and spin.
Claudius took a small sip from the honey-thick liquid in his wine glass. It cooled his throat as it dribbled down his gullet and into his stomach. Another sip. The tremor in his hands stopped. Another. The spinning world around him stopped. Everything stood in place. The rush of wind in his head ceased. Another. The ticking of the clock in the corner of the room wasn't so loud anymore. He downed the rest of the glass. The fire running through his stilled veins cooled. All was quiet. All was still.
He placed the glass down and ran a tongue along his moistened lips. His head rested on the top of the sofa. He looked to the ceiling. It was such a monotonous color. It was grey. It was bleak.
He turned over to look at his clenched fist. His nails dug into his skin.
Don't do it, don't do this to yourself, don't, don't, it's over, it's all over, she's gone, don't do it, don't…
His fingers depressed and slowly opened one by one to reveal a silver chain wrapped around his fingers. Hanging from it was a black bead.
The room was black, the light inkling from the half-moon that hung from the sky cast long, livid shadows across the room. The silver light seemed to cast a fairy-like glow and everything seemed brighter. The shade to the room was open only a little. If he could Claude would close it. But he was stuck. He was sinking deeper and deeper into the cushions. If he could disappear into a state of purgatory he could. Maybe he would. He then looked to the stained wine glass in his hand. He placed it down next to him.
The moon's light danced through the room and revealed the livid, red stains rimming the glass.
Don't look, no, don't, no, no, no, no…
Claudius's attention was drawn back to the bead resting against his pale palm. His other hand rested on the white bead around his throat. It felt heavy. The world around him was grey. It was bleak. He was lost. Misplaced.
The sounds of the manors life were none existent in Claudius's little world. His eyes darted to the window. He saw a glimpse of the half-moon. His heart ached. Well, what was left of it ached. The bead in his hand felt heavy. Too heavy. He let his arm drop from the air to rest on his stomach.He was a half to a whole that will forever remain incomplete. He was lost. Claudius closed his eyes and put the black bead around his neck, resting it next to its counterpart. His neck felt weighted.Finally he pushed himself off of the couch and stood up, walking to the window. He looked out on the desolate street where only one light flickered. No, no, don't, no... Claudius couldn't help it. He thought of her as he looked to the moon in the sky. He felt like something was missing. He felt empty. Hollow. Lost. He hated these feelings. He hated how they invited themselves in and forgot to close the door. He hate them.
Claude licked his lips again. He tasted iron. He couldn't help but think of his late lover Eve
Claudius closed the shade and walked back to the couch. He picked up an object that he never thought he'd touch again. He raised it to his chest and closed his eyes. Running in circles. Running round and round. The world never ceased in its spinning. Round and round. He wanted it all to still. To stop. There was no moon in the ceiling above him. It was grey. It was bleak.
His finger rested on the trigger. One…
The beads around his throat where too heavy. Two…
Round and round. His life has been nothing but a series of cycles. The morning turns to night and the night turns to morning. The spring turns to summer. The autumn to winter. Round and round and round and round again. Never stopping. Never ceasing. Until now. Three…
Bang! The spinning world around him stopped, and was filled with nothing but silence. Opening his eyes he inhaled sharply and let the white noise take over his world. Setting the weapon down he stood from his place and stepped bare foot toward the full body mirror he watched as his body rejected the bullet lodged just inches from his dead heart. Closing his eyes he settled his mind from the constant circles he had been spinning in his head. Blood dripped from his wound in one long line along his torso. Its been a while since he had acted on suicidal intentions to end this so called immortality.
He grinned like the devil as a deep chuckle escaped his lips then a burst of sinister laughter followed. He was immortal. Nothing could phase him. Not even suicide would relieve him of his eternal life in the mortal world. How cruel of a joke the Devil played just for him.
Claude ran his spidery fingers through his long black tresses, it had grown with his time on this mortal realm. He had missed his long curls and scruffy facial hair, but this body still had use even with this appearance of straightened hair and clean shaven skin. He was a master of disguise and appearance. Therefore, he has never been caught from the chaos he brings to the lands he travels.
He has seen war, been marred by bullets, swords, daggers, whips, chains, you name it. His body has secrets he never shares, only secrets of others. Claude is the ever famous informant. The barer of secrets that have been with him for centuries. The Devil instilled these qualities of his to keep the mortals on their toes, to show that the world of Hell could be risen with just one finger. He is history incarnate, the one who was once a fallen angel who ate his own wings to be reborn into a body of the Blood Curse. To be a man no more, but a beast that need be tame.
Claudius is the beast he hides, Zamiel the historic figure of life and death. No one knows what happened to him or where he had gone, most assumed he died along with the rest of the originals, but no. He was here, lost in time, forgotten until he woke one blood moon to a world anew. He stood before the world as a stranger of the time, unknowingly of the changes the world endured. He reminisced of the times he ran sacked households, getting his blood itch controlled after so long without it in his hibernating slumber. He is a monster, unlike the lore that he heard of other Nosferatu, he wanted to be part of something, not just a secret keeping informant who liked a little chaos here and there. He lived for Chaos, and did as his master(the Devil) always wanted, create Hell on Earth.
Recently, in his reclusive nature he became aware of other vampires around, this night to be exact, being of the new crowned King of Vampires ceremony. Claudius laughed at the thought, who best be King than one of the originals. Merely his opinion he kept to himself, seeing conflict was not something he wished for just yet.
Claude say in his ragged rob with blood still staining his porcelain pale skin. Gripping the beads around his neck he sighed, "I shall see you once again my love, for now, enjoy the show..." he said aloud as he rose from his seat and let his wound heal instantly. Returning to his chambers he dressed himself in a jet black suit with gold buttons and cuff links. His long locks rested at his hips along his slim back. His tie matched his suit colors with its gold trimmings and design. It complimented his blood red dress shirt and white gloves on his hands. Grabbing his crimson tinted sunglasses he slipped them on his face to hide his vermilion eyes. Feeling complete with his attire to this ceremony he decided to crash, he left his estate and entered the carriage awaiting him. Once inside the the dark box he motioned for the driver to head on. The horses were Romanian stallions, he was able to transfer them here from his dear homeland. They were the fastest horses in the world in his opinion. On the trip he watched the scenery pass by, fields and trees became blurs as he reflected on who might win his little guessing game of who can find out who he is before the party ends.
Finally at their destination of the gorgeous castle of the Millard's he exited his carriage and moved with the large crowd to the main gates. Everyone seemed to be checking in, Claude met with one of the guards who asked him to state his name and relationship to the ceremony, he smirked, "Oh I am but the young Prince's cousin Claudius, on the Uncles side, you know who." his silver tongue told elegant lies that were hard to pick up also with the help of his mental manipulation of the guard to believe every word he said was truth. The guard nodded and allowed him entrance. Easy. Claude moved through the crowd as he slipped his sunglasses in his breast pocket inside his suit jacket. He then took his place within the corner of the mass, just slightly in the shadows but within view of the new King. A young lad, he mentally chuckled at the thought of a young boy calling himself King. Though times were different now, surly but Claudius hadn't thought they would do such a thing as this, make a child the King of the vampires. Claudius knew this would be entertainment for the ages, upon scanning the crowd he made eye contact with Dartanian. This man must be new as well, he had that just woken up from sleep smell about him. Claudius looked away quickly to not linger his gaze to draw attention to himself.
Location: Estate -- His Room | Company: No one | occ: Ta daa~ Hope this is good. I kinda went dark with this but ended it okay I hope.