This is where the ledge endsβ¦
Lucian Larson
Age: Older than you....
City of Origin: a**-gard...haha, I mean Lofoten, Norway
Occupation (if any): Florist
Natural Power: I have a wolf form I can settle into whenever I wish, its a part of me as much as being mortal is. Descending from the old Norse lore of the Wrag, more commonly known as the wolf Fenrir.
God Given Power: My most-used ability. In true trickster fashion, as the famous Loki God of Mischief, I am able to change my own shape to just about whatever I wish. The only constraints are that it has to be a living, breathing creature, and it has to be something that was, at some point, real. So while I can change to look like your childhood pet or next door neighbor, I cannot become your imaginary friend. (Unless they're human, or something, then why the heck not?) It's an ability that uses up a lot of energy (and hurts like a mother), so I eats a lot to maintain a high enough calorie surplus that I can use this at my leisure. I cannot do too many drastic shifts (human to animal, and vice versa) in too short a time, mostly because my body can't handle it(tried it out, felt terrible). If I try I get pretty seriously ill. There is another draw back to the shifting of forms other than getting ill, the ability lasts for a day, meaning if I am another being given any gender or creature I am trapped in the form until my twenty-four hours are up. The shift is only once before I needs to rest and try again. The resting period is when I recuperate by sleeping or relaxing. I am mostly found on the floor or a couch, whatever suits my fancy to sleep on. Due to such a drawback to being trapped in a body that is not my own I use it sparingly unless someone provokes or threatens me.
Ancestors: Loki God of ******** Mischief! His magical blood is in my veins and I will not hesitate to mess with people as it is my calling. Also the fire red hair and shifting abilities should of given it away...idiots. No but seriously, I may have the cool skills and good looks from the god but my ancestors are tossing in their graves because I didn't say the truth. I am really stemmed from the Fenrir bloodline as my given ability is magical enough to turn into a black fluff ball. Happy now ancestors??
History: Family history hm? Well what can I say...I made my mothers life a living Hel. I had no father figure, I say that with him in room to spite him. My so called "Father" was a man who invaded my home and laid with my mother after a long night of frolicking in the bars with her. I never hated a man so much...He tries too hard to be my father I displease him with my antics constantly. My mother is a saint, she could not do any wrong and I pray to the gods of the realm to protect her every day. I left Norway at the age of seventeen to escape the Hel I created. My mother and I still write to one another because I love her too much to leave her behind. I traveled to England for a few years, lived there till I had enough money saved to check out the famous Land of the Free s**t. Stepping in New York was a breath of fresh air, everyone bustling about, active and caffeine addicted. I loved it. I've resided in New York for a long time now, found a hobby I enjoy as a job, but still providing a little chaos here and there for the world to endure. What's a guy got to do to have some fun around here?
Personality: π«β΄ππΎππΎπβ―
C L E V E R :: ingenious, skillful; is intelligent and a quick thinker, able to thinks 'outside of the box.'
C O C K Y :: brash, arrogant; acts with convincing yet fake self-confidence to hide his failings.
E L O Q U E N T :: expressive, articulate; has a way with words, and a good grasp on language.
H U M O R O U S :: amusing, pleasant; has a good sense of humor and is funny, able to make jokes and laugh at them in turn.
I N D E P E N D E N T :: self-reliant, separate; thinks and acts for himself, uninfluenced by others.
L O Y A L :: reliable, faithful; devoted to his loved ones, and will not betray them (bar unforeseen circumstances).
O B S E R V A N T :: perceptive, attentive; takes careful note of his surroundings and the people in them.
A S O C I A L :: introverted, unthoughtful; isn't always considerate of others, and prefers to be alone.
C H E E K Y :: impudent, bold; is teasing or disrespectful in a typically light-hearted, endearing and/or amusing way.
I N S E C U R E :: troubled, unsure; secretly has doubts about himself and a shaky self-image.
I R R E S P O N S I B L E :: devil-may-care, reckless; doesn't always think (or care) about the results of what he does.
M E D D L E S O M E :: interfering, invasive; has no issue with involving himself in affairs that don't concern him, typically for humor.
M I S C H I E V O U S :: playful, impish; enjoys messing with people, and can be annoying or troublesome in a playful way.
V I N D I C T I V E :: resentful, malicious; is prone to holding grudges, and will get revenge if possible.

This is where the ledge endsβ¦
Keidan Takeo Hashima
Age: Looks like the early Thirties
City of Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Occupation (if any): --
Natural Power: Blessed by with the gifts of an Enenra he is a creature of smoke and ash. He is made up of or can transform his body completely into smoke. His transformed smokey form is either anatomically identical to his normal form, aside of being made of smoke, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately he can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of his form being more important than the other. It is short in ability. He is only given seven seconds to move from place to play, dodge attacks, or hide. Once those seconds run out he is an easy target. The recharge time is only in the shadows and shade from the sun. If out in the sun too long he is weakened much like a curse. The night is where most of his strength lies.
God Given Power: With the gift of the Enenra, his powers strive from the Moon God Tsukuyomi. Cursed to never use his abilities under the eye of Amaterasu the Sun God. Therefore he is only able to rest in the shade or dark places. When the moon is in the sky his abilities are enhanced to be able to use his Enenra abilities multiple times though still restricted in time frame, he is a very hyperactive man at night. While the day he can be found in public spaces asleep on the ground or a bench like a homeless person.
Ancestors: The myth of Enenra that haunts Japan is where he was gifted with powers of smoke and ash. He strikes fear into those of his homeland.
History: Emigrating from Japan was easy for Keidan, he was just a young boy with his grandfather as his guardian. His sister was at his side as his protector as he was the youngest. They settled in New York the rest of their lives, working for a small Japanese cuisine shop on the old part of the large city. It gave them some food to eat and shelter as their shop was just below their small home. Once he was old enough to care for himself he left the shop to his sister as she was worthy of it and the home their grandfather owned. His grandfather declared him a demon, a curse on the family unaware of the blessing Keidan harbored. He now rents a small flat in a high rise from the family earnings he saved for himself and his small dead end jobs he would pick up here and there. With his abilities he takes to the night like the ghost he is. Only watching over his sister from afar knowing if he showed his face she would cast him out once more for his past transgressions. For now he is found in central park sleeping under a tree or on a bench till the sunset.
Personality: π«β΄ππΎππΎπβ―
C O M P A S S I O N A T E :: caring, endearing; is one who puts others before one's self.
D E T E R M I N E D :: unwavering, direct; if hes set on something to finish he will do so.
I N T E L L I G E N T :: perceptive, intuitive; for a tired man, he is very smart and could easily be a rich man but with that a stretch of effort he does not have he lives a simple life.
L E V E L - H E A D E D :: realistic, wise; he is a teacher who tells it like it is, keeping the peace all the same.
I N D E P E N D E N T :: Unbiased, self-proficient; thinks and acts for himself, uninfluenced by others.
P O L I T E :: civil, cultured; Respects all who cross his path. No one is put on a pedestal or placed under his foot. He is gentle and kind to all.
O B S E R V A N T :: perceptive, attentive; takes careful note of his surroundings and the people in them.
A L O O F :: cool, distant; Keeps to himself most of the time, doesn't engage in much during the daylight hours.
L O N E L Y :: isolated, outcast; always felt like an odd ball from the beginning with his night owl schedule and lack of effort in most of his life.
R I G I D :: strict, unyielding; when in a tight spot he can get tough to push back when he's focused on something.
R E P R E S S E D :: restrained, put in a box; he finds himself in odd situations during the day, while he is weakened by the sun and cant really get much done. He feels his powers are just kept out of reach for him.

This is where the ledge endsβ¦
Spartacus - Reece "Darius" Leventus
Age: Says hes Forty years old...
City of Origin: Sydney, Australia
Occupation (if any): [Ex-Marine][Underground Brawler] Local Police Officer
Natural Power: Seeing Red - use of the fighting force of a raged bull. He loses sight of himself and blacks out until he wakes up either beat to a bloody pulp or the victor. His strength is nothing near the historical Heracles, but his resilience and endurance is a mighty force of power. Some say they see his eyes glow red just before he explodes in a barrage of attacks.
God Given Power: --
Ancestors: Son of a Thracian family in a small village of Tracia. Little known of Past.
History: Spartacus the Legendary Bringer of Rain, the Slave who took on an entire Roman army for freedom. At least what the history says, while people idolize him and tell his story of heroism over and over through generations. Reece lived that life once, a tragic life. A never ending cycle for lifetimes old and new. Spartacus returned to Earth unaware of his past. Withheld from his past life as a famous gladiator and warrior. Reece the mortal legend Spartacus, grew up striving for battle, as it was part of his soul. He grew up showing his strength in beating up bullies who messed with the weak and proved his power in sports. Given the opportunity to serve the country he was in the Australian military that branched with the US at the front lines. He fought in three tours, a survivor of the wrath of war. With that chipping his life away, someone brought a piece of him back. His loving wife Sara. She came into his life when he was just finishing his first tour. She was the love of his life, someone he declared his wife from the beginning. She gave him strength to do what he loved and to help people in his own way. He saved his military brothers countless times. Coming home with new scars and a broken soul she had to repair with her love. On his last tour he and Sara were blessed with a son they named him Soren, a rambunctious boy like his father. He had it made, a perfect man's life. But with every perfect life there are cracks where demons slip through. Reece was a man with honor but had his demons pulling him back to his past. His rage was projected on his late night battles he did unbeknownst his wife fully aware of his outlet. She never spoke of it or that she even thought he would tell her. She knew it was a way to fight his night terrors and so she allowed it. Reece fought for money, folks placed bets and he would get a cut at the end. Sara was just happy he came home the next morning to her bedside every day. But some peaceful living can have its peace destroyed. One battle he dared not enter but was forced to was linked to a New York gang that was famous for killing people. Reece gave his all but the opponent knew he was holding back. Reece was provoked to fight harder, and doing so he killed the opponent who was surprisingly the head of the gangs son. That was where he stepped wrong, and his world was turned upside down. Reece was warned only once to leave when he had the chance to, but with his rage blinding him from it he took on another opponent knocking him out shedding more blood. He left for home that night as it was a blur, opening the door to a broken home. Hearing his son crying he panicked and stumbled to the child's room finding blood on his face yet it was not his blood. He called for Sara, cried for her. She was not there. She was missing. He felt his heart break and his rage burn. The police investigated the crime as a missing persons report with possible kidnapping a woman. Reece had his wife's sister care for his son while he hunted for his wife day and night. Each day draining him more and more but he knew that she would return to his arms once more. He never gave up. Months flew by, almost a year as he kept looking, finding whispers of people seeing her here and there. All leading to dead ends. On their anniversary he just finished a brawl to get his constant rage out like every night he was home before sunrise to take care of his son. His little boy was one and a half. He wished Sara was back and well his wish was granted. He was to face a man in a mask as the brawl was vicious and blood was shed. Reece was pinned and soon choked to tap out he turned his head and saw the leader of the gang that he fought a year ago. His eyes flared red as he grabbed the opponent and turned the tables so that he was now choking the man till he practically died. Releasing the man who wheezed and crawled away he glared at the leader who was just as vengeful as Reece was. It was a silent communication between the leader and a member who left then returned with a chain that dragged a woman at the other end. Reece felt his stomach ache while his heart raced as he saw the face of the frail woman before him. She was put in the system of human trafficking. Her arms bruised by injections forced in her body, blood dripping from her lip and her eyes bloodshot from the effects of gods know what drugs are in her system. Reece yelled a monstrous yell to let her go. The man holding the chain yanked her forward and threw her to the ground before him. The leader finally spoke, 'A life for a life' then left with his group. Reece moved faster than ever to her, picking her up gently in his arms. He spoke her name over and over, tears battling the edge of his eyelids as he felt such relief she was his again, but also sorrow as she had endured Hell on Earth. She looked at him with a smile, thanking the gods she was free of her slavery. Reece told her it would be okay and that their son would be so happy to see her again. She hushed him with her weak voice, saying a final message to him with his true name in such a loving tone. "...Darius". With that breath she left this world in his arms. Shaking with anguish he lifted her up and carried her from the secret fighting ring to let her feel the sunlight one last time. Reece has never really recovered from that, as it was a traumatic event he would never get past. She was buried in a local cemetery where he and his son visit often to give her flowers and items his son finds that reminds him of his mother. The investigation was closed as she was found and there was no evidence to pin the death a homicide as the people trafficking routes were hard cases to break into as they were so secret and busting a group participating was a hard fight. Reece was determined to prove them wrong. He became an officer to serve the greater good in honor of his wife to make sure no one has to suffer like he did. Due to his memory loss as Spartacus he gets glimmers of his true past in flashbacks and nightmares. As his life is almost parallel to the legend. With his ability to fight like the champion of Capua he truly is. Now he is working as a local police officer to bring some income to his home for him and his son. With his son's schedule with school it was easy for Reece to work during the time of his sons education(young Soren is six now) so he could pick him up after school everyday. He lives as Reece Leventus when his birth name is Darius from his father, he only allowed his wife to call him that, as it was more meaningful for him and her. Reece was his alias during his fighting days, and stuck with him all his life. Even in war he was given permission to be named Reece instead of Darius. No one knows his true name but himself and Sara. Its a secret between an eternal love for one another.
Personality: π«β΄ππΎππΎπβ―
P A T E R N A L :: caring, fatherly; for a man who has been through hell and back, he is a great father to his son, caring and proud to show his son what it means to be a young man and teach him everything he knows.
L O V I N G :: devoted, affectionate; his love for his son is eternal and he would do anything for the boy.
Q U I C K - W I T T E D :: astute, bright; he can be quick to situations and work effectively.
R E S P E C T F U L :: reverent, deferential; he is respectful of all and does not disrespect anyone unless they deserve it.
B R A S H:: brutish, standoffish; he can sometimes forget his actions speak more than words and well he can get himself into some predicaments easy.
T E M P E R M E N T A L :: grumpy, hot head; he can show his rage fairly quick, even over something so mild as someone calling him a name.
B R O K E N :: damaged, apart; his heart is in pieces still mending itself, his soul will never be whole again.
M E L A N C H O L I C :: sorrowful, gloomy; he still feels for the loss of his wife, but keeps it hidden well. He is a role model for his son, only in times of quiet when he is alone he lets the sorrow release.