NAME: Leonard V. Ravenstein
AGE: Twenty-seven
TITLE: Royal Butler
CREATURE: Black Panther
USERNAME: XxFate_of_the_AkatsukixX

"A 'great' butler can only be, surely, one who can point to his years of service and say that he has applied his talents to serving a great gentleman and through the latter, to serving humanity."
Leonard V. Ravenstein
Royal Butler
______________T H E B A S I C S
AGE: Twenty-seven
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 6'0" and 170 lbs
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
RACE: Demon - Curse: Black Panther
⊱ Peaceful moments
⊱ Tea
⊱ Organization
⊱ Order
⊱ Being of assistance to all
⊱ Stress
⊱ Lateness
⊱ Obnoxious behavior
⊱ Loud screaming, quite annoying
⊱ Failure
______________D I G D E E P E R
STRANGENESS AND CHARM: He is very calm when dealing with problems despite some of them being almost grave. He handles situations with a smile on his face. Because he was a butler, he tends to be very punctual and doesn't like being late to his appointments. Not just that, his handling are skilled and he will in rare periods turn into a dangerous bad mouth. He has like all mood swings but his are accompanied with things like insulting his food, he never failed at cooking.
Leonard has a nearly legendary reputation for being a truly efficient and impressive personal attendant, though the specifics of his duties are known to very few. He is immensely talented with household duties, and his skills include cooking, cleaning, fine arts, and tutoring-- anything that might be required to maintain a smoothly operating home. But, a select elite few will know that he possesses darker talents.
MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY: Not much is known about the origins of the mysterious man known only by the name of Leonard Ravenstein. Although parts of his history are known to few and the entirety of it known to none but himself, Leonard's roots can be traced back to a slave trade to wealthy famlies. He was hired to this family by order of the princes father. He was in his late teens at the time. Very knew to the whole take this and do that. As years past he became a pro at it and has served the family ever since. Now with his true master gone, he became the loyal servant of the eldest son, paying special attention to him.
Leonard was released to be his caretaker, under the guise of the family's head butler. All who posed a danger to Leonard's master met mysterious and gruesome deaths. Rumors spread, and Leonard would come to be called the Demon Butler.
He is hired by what he calls his "contract," which he has been conditioned since practically birth to follow. The terms of his contract are: Leonard will serve and protect his master until death or until he is discharged, during which time he will obey all his master's orders.
A butler with impeccable manners, a charming smile, and a sadistic streak, Leonard Ravenstein is known in the underground and in powerful families as the best of butlers.
But in the late of the last master he had, Leonard was turned to change roles. But not really so much. Now working as guard and Butler for the Princes and Princesses. He protected them all with his life. No matter the costs. As a servant of the eldest son he knew all about the beasts the males became. He himself was even cursed. Nothing new to him. He had his own dark secrets of his own. Only he couldn't disclose of them due to the contract he signed with the King that moved over to after his death. Leonard stayed true to it until he met his end and was discharged or his master died. Many still wonder why he doesn't age like normal people though.
RAISE YOUR WEAPON: Preferred weapon would be knives, sometimes kitchen silver ware.
POWERS/WEAKNESSES: These talents are what usually get Leonard hired into a powerful household. He is inhumanly agile and physically strong, despite his graceful build. Having been alive for sometime, he is a master of several disciplines of martial arts. In addition to these skills, Leonard also has accelerated healing abilities. His primary weakness lays in that he is forced to obey his master or come to his master's aid, even if it means bringing harm to himself.
DRIFT AWAY: Shiny Toy Guns - Stripped
ONE MORE THING: Do not underestimate him.
USERNAME: XxFate_of_the_AkatsukixX