I blew out 17 candles on December 29th.
I am from Sulingen, Germany.
You probably can't tell, but I'm Bisexual (leans toward men).
The marks on the wall say I'm 1.77m.
Some say a picture's worth a thousand words. Here's mine:

But I'm more than just a pretty face: Nikolai can be described in many ways by different people. If you pull him out of his turtle shell. He is an idealist and perfectionist at heart. He made have this dark demeanor to not be approached like some men, but he has a kind heart. As a natural flirt he has had his many girlfriends and now a days boyfriends. Love doesn't matter to him as long as he could be satisfied. Maybe one day he would find a lover he would cling to more than a week but recently he's broken many hearts. He is a complete and utter dork sometimes, being weird not helping his image at all. Then there are days where he gets serious with work to get money for a new guitar or strings. Overall he keeps to the lifestyle he has chosen as a citizen in the United States. Never once has he forgotten his past, haunted by his losses, he's really good at hiding his emotions as well as fake a smile here and there. This is the new Nik-er...Yukito Phoenix.
My life story: Growing up in a Germany was tough for him, he never was one to fit in. Being categorized as "Emo" or "Scene" in his younger years just by the way he chose to express himself. He hated it, plus his parents were always on him about his life and choices. Soon causing him to loose his cool and run away. He didn't get far for he was soon caught and forced to stay home. Later on he has matured enough to be free from his imprisonment of his own home. Highschool in the beginning was alright, he was still a nobody. Yet he got the attention of some party lovers. Peer pressured at a young age to drink and smoke got him addicted instantly. 16 may have been the drinking age there but being a rebel he chose to defy the rules and get wasted at 14 and continuing as he grew up.
That was until his parents caught him, lashing out at him for being under the influence and giving them the idea their child had gone mental. He fought them on that for two more years till they gave up and sent him off to Safe Haven in America. It was more of a punishment than a vacation. The drinking age was higher and if he got caught here he would be in deep shot. Same with his cigarette addiction he has gone cold turkey twice due to his parents chaining him to his home and making sure he had no way getting to his beloved cancer sticks. That was also a reason they thought he was mental. How could you not go mental while in the stages of being cold turkey. He felt like his parents were idiots. So now he lives here where he is supose to get help for his issues when really he just needs new parents. Nikolai changed his name to Yukito because he hated his birth name becuase everytime he was yelled at his parents would bark his name after every accusation they made of him. So Yukito is his name, he even got it to be his roll call name in this school. As a foriegn student he has learned some of the English language but he still has trouble. His solution is being mute to the world. Sure he would introduce himself but that's as far as he would go. In his many groundings he has learned to play guitar and start a band with a few friends. Sadly that died due to his parents cutting him off from social events. So his music was only heard through the cracked window he had. His relationships were secret and he usually dumped the girl. Recently before he moved to America for the new school he had a boyfriend he felt so safe with, but the school tore them apart and he had to crush his heart and leave. So this new experience was going to be interesting.
I love:
- - Guitars
- Freedom
- Tattoos
- Parties
I hate:
- - Parents
- Being yelled at
- Being locked up in his room alone
- Hangovers
At school I am a: Senior
I'm here because: Substance Abuse and other possible issues listed by his parents.
I'm taking/teaching these classes: AP English, Calculus, German, Band
I'm staying in this dorm:
Oh, I almost forgot: He recently had gotten multiple tattoos and piercings with his fake ID from his music money he got for playing his guitar on the streets for a few bucks. He was liked and given enough to make some good cash he mixed with the money his parents gave him for more "important" things. He didn't care.
The song that speaks to me: Filth in the Beauty by The Gazette
The voice in my head: XxFate_of_the_AkatsukixX