- ██████ ║(( ღ )) ███▐│██████ xx Nikolaixx Yukito Phoenix 。
✖ - - - - - - - - - - -˝ I C A M E x TO x P A R T YxY O U x C A M E x T O x P A R T Y x S O xW H Y x D O N T x x W E x P A R T Y x A L L x T O G E T H E Rx˝

- Rolling over on the sheets the chirp of the alarm startles the man laying amongst the white sheets of his bed. Raising his tattooed arm wrapped with bracelets and rings he smacked the snooze button rather forcefully making the chirping stop. With a groan he opened his eyes' to the bright light source of the sun. Sitting up instantly he cursed under head breath and leaped from the bed to the soft comfort of his carpet touching his bare feet.
Rushing to the bathroom he stripped and jumped into the shower. A few minutes later he was out, dried off, and in pants in less than a minute. Staring at his half naked self in the wall mirror he decided what to do with his hair. Rolling his lip peircing with his tongue he sighed. "Im going to be late." he said to himself as he grabbed a bandana and wrapped it around his semi-damp hair. Blow drying the back to spike out a bit for style. Content with his looks he slipped on a wife beater and then a simple shirt. Nothing extravigant. His job didn't need him to be all dressed up.
Taking a scarf and tying it around his waist as it was gathered by the tie then opened up more on his opposite side of his hip. Grabbing his steel toed boots and slipping them on he too his keys to his Toyota Cilica and raced out the door of his appartment. Sliding down the railing of the stairs he ran to the black car, jumped in the drivers seat and turned on the engine. Fiddling with his iPod he got a random song off his car music playlist to start blasting. Going in reverse to get out of his parking spot, he high tailed it out of the parking lot and out the gates to his destination.
Catching each green light he sped down the road to the Starbucks coffee shop he worked at. Making a James Bond move to park he got in the lines perfectly. Turning the engine off he exited the car he loved and walked into the little coffee place like he wasn't late at all. Sadly he was, getting the stares by his co-workers didn't help either, he spoke in his faded German accent, "Sorry guys...I slept-" he was cut off by the cashier, "Yeah we know, you slept in because of a party last night. It's alright Yukito. This is your last strike or the manager will fire you." Yukito nodded as he slipped on his work clothes and hat. "Thank you for understanding." he half smiled and started up the orders for coffee. Just like any old day.